Well here is the deal, i keep asking for help but my efforts are fruitless This will be my final cry for help. I simply need some ideas to complete my 90% completed map I need an experienced forger to review this map for me If you want to check it out please respond then give me your GT and i will play with you (This is not a l33t zombie fort or one such noob map) please take a look
I could take a look at it, im not a "leet" forger but I know what I am doing and im creative. Send me an invite and a message reminding me. GT: Soggydoughnuts
that's kinda laughable, as i've been asking the same thing for awhile now. sry i can't go look my xbox has been broken, i just finished borrowing one to finish my maps =), apparently no1 likes them or no1 likes me, probably the second lol