Ok ok ok, so... I need a sig and a Logo type thing. Heres what I want to do, I need something for Team Pain Train. Something like this... With this as the face. If you think of something better, by all means go ahead. I want Team Pain Train on it, with my name somewhere else in it. Surprise me with what you got. I want to look legit. Oh and plus rep to whoevers I choose.
If you guys could get rid of the blue background replace it with something menacing. Oh and I want a sig like Reaper did.
Eh, I don't know if I like it, but maybe you will! I might be able to go back and change the pattern of the cracking...if you want.
Well this is the best I could do with it: I probably could have done really good with better pictures. Let me know if you want names added.
You can use whatever pictures you want, those were just something that I wanted it to be like. By all means go ahead and use whatever pictures you want.