I think its random switching back to WWII, but I'll still play it. I mean, it can't get worse, can it?
Once again I state, Call of Duty 5 is different than Call of Duty: World at War! I don't know why they even signed the agreement to do world at war because Treyarch sucks at making games...
idk but i think it will be o.k. online gameplay they have vehicles now and co op so theres a plus...maybe the vehicles might be gay so idk ^.^
Call of duty 4 was good, but i don't know much about the makers. However, I am not excited about world at war because it is an olden days game, which I personally think we have enough of, and they didn't do a good job on call of duty 3. If it's the same people who made the 3rd, I'd think it would not live up to my expectations, which are low as it is.
The reason they don't have many future weapon games is because balance can be a huge problem. That is why Battlefield 2 is still better than Battlefield 2142, even though 2142 came out way after. (And getting stale issues.)
World at War will probably suck and then, call of duty 5 will come out and then by comparison look amazing, I now see their evil plan.
Yeah but in some ways the pressure is on Treyarch because if they screw up again, it'll probably be the last time they will get to make a Call of Duty game. So in a sense it might be better than most expect...
i have to agree with everyone that says treyanch or whatever its called sucks at making games and if they take captain price out that wouldn't make any sense because captain price has been in all of the cod's.
Being a beta tester for call of duty WAW, I am very disappointed with the multiplayer. The guns just do not feel right, at all. I feel like I am shooting a dart gun and the other team just happens to fall over. And it is almost like Treyarch just "copy and pasted" the COD4 code and changed the skins and made the gameplay worse. COD4 was awesome. Now instead of helichopters we have dogs? WTF? So I say "Hey I will just crack the dogs neck." (which was awesome in COD4) but nope. No cracking. My prediction is that everyone in WAW will eventually be running around with flame throwers once they unlock them. The maps they showed off in the beta, not that impressive, like at all. I felt like I was playing rainbow six vegas, but "duck and lean style" Dialogue, after playing for ten minuets, you hear the same **** over and over again. "Their recon plane is above us" or "They can't hide from us." Vehicles: not that impressed. Going around with a tank that cant run over the simplest things is annoying. To be honest you might get 3 kills with it, at the very most. So instead of using stategy to take it out, just die and take out your bazooka.