So Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is debatably one of the best games to ever come out. I think that teaming up with Infinity Ward was a really good thing for them and finally moving on to something other than W.W. 2 was great too! But then they decided to take all the love for the Modern Warfare and instead of making something awesome like Suburban Warfare or Future Warfare- they decide to go back to W.W. 2... Don't get me wrong! I think that this new Call of Duty maybe just as good or even better than Modern Warfare but I still don't see the point of going back to W.W. 2. Anyways my point is what do you think of the upcoming Call of Duty? Do you think it will be better/worse than Modern Warfare? What do you think of Activision going back to W.W 2? Here are some articles and a few things on it: Wikipedia Gamespy Trailer Anways, just wanted to hear your opinions on this matter...
the makers of cod 3 are making cod 5 so they are probably trrying to make up for their terrible game so it will prbbly be terrible that is all
Yeah I don't know about you guys but I am personally not excited about World at War... I think they made a huge mistake when they teamed up with Treyarch again...
no, the makers of cod 3 is treyarch, and i believe they are making WaW. infinity ward is making CoD 5.
It will suck. A lot. COD was good, COD2 was better, COD3 sucked, COD4 was decent, COD5 will suck the most. It goes back to WW2, and it uses the same messed up system used in COD4. In other words, if you took the worst of COD/COD2, and the worst of COD4, and the maker of the terrible COD3, and they all had a baby, it would be COD5. Since it will use COD4's system, it will have unlocks. Unlocks ruin a game if they affect gameplay at all. So, if you want to customize your character and weapon, you should have everything to begin with. It would make the game much more balanced and enjoyable. But since COD5 is using the same game mechanics as COD4, so most likely, it will get stale fast. And thus suck. /Opinion
Whoa... there is a difference between Call of Duty 5 and World at War!? I didn't know that! I feel so stupid!
Sarcasm? Call of Duty : World at War, will be the FIFTH Call of Duty game. No matter what anyone says, it will be the FIFTH Call of Duty game. After 4 comes 5. Not World at War. So... Call of Duty : World at War = Call of Duty 5.
No it will be the fifth Call of Duty but see the difference! Call of Duty: Finest Hour Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Call of Duty 3: (umm can't remember the name =p) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Call of Duty: World at War There is no number in World at War!!!
No, not really. Infinity Ward reserved the rights to make CoD 5. Last time i checked, Treyarch is not the same as Infinity Ward, so WaW cannot be called CoD 5
Ok, so they reserved the rights to make the title Call of Duty 5. They get a high five. I forgot about Big Red One. So technically Call of Duty : World at War will be the SIXTH Call of Duty. 1. Call of Duty 2. Call of Duty 2 3. Call of Duty : Big Red One 4. Call of Duty 3 5. Call of Duty 4 6. Call of Duty : World at War. 7. Call of Duty 5?
WaW will be the the fifth game made, but cannot be included in the numerical ordering. it is sort of like GTA 3, then vice city and san andreas, then GTA 4. sort of.
Don't you hate it when they do that? It gets annoying. Either stick to numbers, or stick to added on names. World at War, Big Red One, San Andreas etc.
yeah it is pretty gay, but i guess infinity ward wanted to be sure that everybody knew their game was the "sequel" to 4 and i think big red one was just the non xbox version of 2, like they wanted 2 to be exclusively for xbox
Yeah it can get annoying especially when Call of Duty 5 does come out... everyone will be like "Didn't it already come out?" and all... Do you know the theme of Call of Duty 5 or have they not announced it yet?
It's not announced yet. Also, Big Red One came after Call of Duty 2 if I'm not mistaken. I think it was totally different.
No they were just different between the 360 and all the other consoles because the 360 was released after Big Red One came out so they just gave it Call of Duty 2
nay 1. Another WW2 game, very original, at least its outside of europe 2. Comes out on the same month of the juggernaut to come Gears of War 2 And IMO Halo 3 > Cod4, cod doesn't really bring anything new
Don'y get me wrong, I have confidence in the makers of the game, but from what I have seen in previews...I will have to seriously think about buying the new COD4. Now that they have made an agreement with Red Octane the creators of the Guitar Hero Series, saying that they'll make a new version every year, I've somewhat lost my faith in both series. Creating a new version every year may just lower quality of gameplay