trailler for Treyarch's game "Call of Duty: World at War" DLC map pack's new **** Zombie map, Verrückt. Some points of interest of the video is the Perk Colas, New Mystery Box, the Electric Fence, Bouncing Bettys on Walls and Map resembles already multiplayer map, Asylum. Release date, March 19th (next Thursday).
Is this expected to cost MS points..=[ Probably will but Idk if I have the Points to buy it...I Have like 400 on an only account I think but thats like it... and 50 on Adelyss
I believe it will cost 800 Microsoft Points, but I'm not sure. I'll look for a source for you, but considering it has 4 maps, I think it'll be a good buy even if the Zombie map alone is the only good one. EDIT: Seems like they haven't announced a price. I guess that was just an assumption that I made and stuck with it, lol. Hopefully it won't be too expensive either way.
It's free....? But anyway, this map look 10x better. I think this one might actually be fun to play on. I like the electric door, fence/thing too. EDIT: No, its not free. I was thinking of L4D
Glad to see they're trying to evolve the game mode, rather than hashing out a new map. Electric room is an interesting concept, but I'm not sure about being separated from your teammates at the start... Oh well, doesn't even matter since I sold it.
Lock though you do realize the first **** Zombie map is a room from Airfield...but touched I hope its 400 MS points or less or I might not be able to get it...Sad Faic!