I just hope there isn't any more ****ing martydom, diverse maps, and no vehicles at all. If there is vehicles, at least make them die with rockets and not like need 20 of them.
Well im sure martydom will be there. Although there will probably be perks that may make martydom backfire. No martydom damage perk anybody? Unlocked at a high level possibly?
THis might sound bad to people but I think I would be great. Say you had a player and you basically could decide their traits but what gun they carry and what perks you have. Say you have a perk that makes you carry a rocket launcher but it would decrease your speed stat. Ala Rainbow six?
Doesnt it do that already? Cause whenever I got the rocket out im pretty slow. Or do you mean when they have it on their back instead?
Maybe but I mean in create a class you have you statistic bars and everything. And maybe a down side to each perk? To create a hybrid of a class and rock paper scissors system? for example c4 perk:The c4 can be shot while it's on your belt and you would blow up. And if you had say a sniper perk, you could hit this easier.
I was thinking of Armor Camoflauges as well as weapon camoflauges. This way, it'll add a more stealthiness as well as awesomness. And vehicles would be nice, but dont make them like WAW tanks. Ever again.
No. The ending was perfect. Both Mile Highs and the Campaigns. It literally said, the game is over. Not to mention it really drove me to kill those sons of a bitches. No **** Zombies. Worst. Idea. Ever. I saw that, facepalmed and then went back to doing Mile High.
I love **** Zombies in CoD WaW but as far as im concerned, Infinity Ward might or will not do something like this. In all honesty it was the only thing Treyarch did right on CoD:WaW