Who really cares what it's called, as long as it's a great game. Heck, they could have called COD4 "Happy Bunny Land" for all I care and I still would play it. I'm hoping that they integrate some of the perks from WaW into MW2. I also hope that one of these days they have COD focus on vietnam, the darfur conflict, or something.
A lot of poeple hate the vietnam war and everything to do with it because people view it as pointless and we got our butts kicked. People don't even like the veterans because it reminds them of the war. maybe darfur though.
Has the War in Darfur had a good ending yet? Has it even had an ending yet? Plus, killing innocent lives? That's what goes on in Darfur... It did happen in World War 2, with the Holocaust, but we don't play the part of Hitler in video games. We don't play the part of Hitler, period. Darfur would be a terrible idea.
Whatever, just tossing out ideas to break the monotonous ww2 games and modern warfare games (which are starting to appear in greater numbers).
Can't wait, wish it wasn't so far away. Call of Duty 4 kicked some serious ass compared to the other CoD's. I can't stand WaW, I tried to play it but I already find myself going back and playing Call of Duty 4. The only thing is that I hope they fix the spawns. I'm getting kind of tired of having our whole team spawn in one corner of the level as the other team stays just far enough away as they spawn camp us so that we don't spawn in another part of the level. That and spawning infront of enemy fire or a grenade 20% of the time gets annoying.
Or in Far Cry. You literally spawn right in front of each other in FFA. The spawns in that one level you play in campaign with the War Pig Tank, also has terrible spawns. Spawn camping couldn't be easier, or more annoying on it.
Knowing infinity ward, they will make something uber amazing. But I think they will actually drop the COD4 engine and use a brand new one. They always find better ways to make a game. That and the fact that WaW totally killed that engine because treyarch can't do **** as to use their own. So they have to screw up and make Infinity Ward's look bad. I also think they will most likely have another multiplayer system. Improved of course.
Possibilities; 1-Explain COD 4's WTF campaign ending; and continue? 2-**** zombie alternative? 3-Easier martyrdom throwback? 4-Decent spawning? 5-No ****ing dogs that take 5 times the hits people can? 6-Golden / weapon camo back? 7-Multiple weapon add-ons at once? (e.g. supressor + sight) 8-Tanks don't suck? / people actually kill them? 9-Jeeps / other vehicles? 10-More kill streak options? (e.g. Call in vehicles & use another perk for 30 secs)
I hope that there isnt a map maker in this one. I love the game without it. Adding one would take all of the attention away from the actual gameplay of it I believe. Far Cry 2 was sort of like that. Nobody actually played the game too much. In all honesty people just downloaded the maps and looked at them.
Remember that Infinity Ward won't have a lot of things that Treyarch included in COD 5. What Treyarch does, doesn't mean IW will. **** Zombies probably won't exist, or if it does, probably won't be called **** Zombies. Tanks will probably vanish. Dogs won't be there, most likely. The Weapon Camos will probably be back (don't really know why you care for that though).
I love the weapon camos. It made the weapons just more customizable. Hopefully there will be more, or even a custom weapon camo maker. That would just be plain sick to make your own designs on it somehow. Another person could pick yours up and it has smiley faces all over it. That would kick ass in my opinion.
Thats also another thing I loved about CoD 4. It had an intense story which I really got into and learned to love. What was the story with CoD:WaW? WW2. Which we all know already. Hopefully modern warfare 2 will have an amazing story like the first.
My theory is that the man we rescued on the plane is an infomant that can lead us to more bad guys to kill. Oh and CoD4 had the best story like ever. And the bad guys were, bad. One of them blew himself up with an atom bomb!!!(well faked it) and took his entire city down with him.
It was ok gameplay. It wasnt top notch intensity like halo 3 and call of duty. If it was then it would be much better. Also the character animations could've been improved. Like if you watch someone run they run awkwardly. In halo 3 it looks perfect. In cod4 it was better then farcry 2 but not as good as halo 3 animations.
Never really payed attention to their animations. The Online system was also something that could have been a thousand times better. The Weapon System sucked. Especially in Custom Games. Downloading Maps is a pain. You should be able to forge with someone else. It gets to damn lonely. The booting from game was stupid, but you can't really fix it. There isn't a way that the computer is going to know wheter the guy is just being voted to be kicked because he sucks at the game and the rest of the people want him out, or if he's just being a pain. It's a good game overall, it's just that our standards are set so high from games like Halo and Call of Duty, that when a game like Call of Duty WaW comes for example, it's easy to point out the msitakes, even though it's a pretty good game.
What I love about Infinity Ward is that when they make a game they actually research stuff. Like they went to real marine training town the watch them "stack up" and fire the tanks. And most of the marines volunteered to be voices in the game. The first time I heard WaW's "Marine" I was like eww. I soon found out that they picked him up off the street.