I've noticed that 2 of the past 3 threads in this forum are my Call of Duty Commentaries. So instead of spamming up the forum with my videos, I'll just use this single thread and update it to include my most recent videos. LOOK THROUGH THE THREAD FOR OTHER VIDEOS. YouTube - HomerSPC's First Look @ Black Ops YouTube - Campers in Blops
I have seen worse, but still, thats pretty funny. You should submit it to the "Black Ops top 10 WTF moments" vids on youtube.
And I thought I was the only commentator on Forgehub. I'm assuming you have a Dazzle and guitar hero mic, too?
Hauppauge (Although not capturing HD yet, as I don't have Xbox Component cables) and a $20-30 Computer Microphone. Also, Sharp Commentates.
To Prestige or Not To Prestige YouTube - To Prestige or Not To Prestige (Black Ops Gameplay/Commentary)
I kinda stopped watching after 3 minutes, but that's only cause I saw it was 10 minutes long... To answer your question, Yes. I'd prestige every time in Black ops. My only reasons for not prestiging in MW1 and 2 was because I wanted golden camo on my guns. That reason doesn't really exist anymore. Also, I believe it is pronounced ENN- Feel-duh. so...go prestige! It really only takes about 4-5 games to get to lv 10 anyways.
I've noticed that 2 of the past 3 threads in this forum are my Call of Duty Commentaries. So instead of spamming up the forum with my videos, I'll just use this single thread and update it to include my most recent videos. If I could have a mod merge my previous two threads with this one, +r♥p. NEWEST VIDEO: YouTube - 30-4 TDM Firing Range (Black Ops Gameplay/Commentary)
YouTube - Whats the first you're most/least proud of (Black Ops Gameplay/Commentary) Now in HIGH DEFINITION.
YouTube - What's your gametype? (Black Ops Gameplay/Commentary) Whats your favourite gametype? What do you want to see me play? EDIT: Will this work? http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=5CE371036DA97CA7 Nope. :/
He's the biggest, baddest theorem you'll ever learn. He kills people and doesn't afraid of anything. He is Black Theorem. And this is our Dual Commentary. YouTube - 17-1 Firing Range w/ Black Theorem (Black Ops Gameplay/Commentary)