There's a sit tonne of info on create a class, I'll link a source and all the info in a sec. (EDIT Can't find the source, I closed the window. Take it with a grain of salt if you please, but as far as I know it's legit.) Spoiler Weapons, Perks, Attachments and Scorestreaks Primary Weapons Assault Rifles AN-94 SMR M8A1 Type 25 SA58 Sig 556 SCAR-H Shotguns m1216 Seiga 12 R870-MCS Light Machine Guns LSAT QBB-LSW Mk 48 Sniper Rifles DSR-50 SVU-AS Ballista Special Assault Shield Sub-Machine Guns MP7 Chicom QCB PDW-57 Skorpion EVO 3 MSMC Secondary Weapons Launchers SMAW RPG FJH-18AA Pistols KAP-40 Tac-45 Executioner u23-R No Weapon Equipped Combat Knife Primary Attachments (Assault Rifle Only) Reflex Scope ACOG Target Finder — Sight which highlights enemies when they enter the field-of-view Hybrid Optic Suppresser Fast Mag Adjustable Stock Quickdraw Grenade Scanner Millimeter Scanner Grenade Launcher Select Fire FMJ Extended Clip Secondary Attachments (Pistol Only) Reflex Suppressor Extended Clip Fast Mag FMJ Dual Wield Laser Sight Perk 1 Flak Jacket — Take less explosive damage. Ghost — Cannot be detected by enemy UAVs while moving. Blind Eye — Unaffected by AI-controlled perks. Hardline — Receive bonus score points. Lightweight — Move faster, take no damage from falling. Perk 2 Hard-wired — Immune to counter-UAV and enemy EMPs. Scavenger — Replenish ammo and grenades from fallen enemies. Cold-blooded — Resistance to targeting systems including Dual Band, Target Finder, Sensor Grenades and player-controlled aircraft. Toughness — Flinch less when shot. Fast Hands — Swap grenades faster, use grenades and equipment faster, and safely throw back frag grenades. Perk 3 Engineer — Show enemy equipment in the world, delay explosives and re-roll and booby trap care packages. Dead Silence — Move silently. Extreme Conditioning — Sprint for a longer duration. Tactical Mask — Reduce the effect of flash, concussion and shock charges. Awareness — Enemy movements are easier to hear. Dexterity — Climb ladders and mantle over objects faster, recover from melee faster and aim faster after sprinting. Lethal Grenades Grenade — Produces lethal radius damage upon detonation. Semtex — Grenade that sticks to surfaces before detonating. Combat Axe — Retrievable axe that causes instant death upon impact. Claymore — Directional antipersonnel mine that triggers a proximity-based explosion. C4 — Plastic explosive device that can be set and triggered remotely. Bouncing Betty — Proximity mine that launches into the air before detonating. Can be avoided by crouching or going prone. Tactical Grenades Sensor Grenade Flashbang Concussion Shock Charge — A deployable charge which stuns enemies that enter its proximity. EMP Grenade Tactical Insertion Smoke Grenade Black Hat PDA — Hack equipment and care packages, or disable enemy vehicles. One additional point can be spent on any tactical grenade to bring two of the same type into battle when you spawn. Wildcards Primary Gunfighter — Allows a 3rd attachment for the primary weapon. Secondary Gunfighter — Allows a 2nd attachment for the secondary weapon. Overkill — Take a primary weapon as your secondary weapon. Danger Close — Take a second Lethal. Perk 1 Greed — Take a second Perk 1. Perk 2 Greed — Take a second Perk 2. Perk 3 Greed — Take a second Perk 3. Tactician — Take a Tactical grenade in place of your lethal Grenade. Scorestreaks RCC — 325 points — A remote-controlled car packed with explosives. UAV — 375 points — Shows enemies on the mini-map. Hunter Killer — 400 points — Airborne drone that seeks out and destroys a nearby target. Care Package — 450 points — Air drop a random Scorestreak. Counter-UAV — 475 points — Temporarily disables enemy radar. Guardian — 500 points — Projects microwave field which stuns and impairs enemies. Hellstorm Missile — 525 points — An air-to-surface missile which can be scattered into a cluster bomb while falling. Lightning Strike — 550 points — Launch a coordinated lightning strike on three locations. Death Machine — 600 points — Your own personal handheld mini-gun. Sentry Gun — 650 points — An automatic sentry gun which can be remote-controlled. War Machine — 700 points — Grenade launcher with rapid, semi-automatic firing. Dragonfire — 725 points — Remote-controlled quad-rotor with lightweight machine gun. AGR — 800 points — Air drop an autonomous ground robot that searches for and destroys enemies and can be remote controlled. Stealth Chopper — 850 points — Call in a stealth helicopter which does not appear on the enemy’s mini-map. Orbital VSAT — 900 points — Shows both enemy position and direction on the mini-map, cannot be shot down. Escort Drone — 1000 points — Get personal air support from an escort drone. Warthog — 1025 points — Jet aircraft that provides close air support with several strafe runs. EMP Systems — 1050 points — Temporarily disables enemy electronics. Lodestar — 1150 points — Lase missile targets remotely from the Lodestar. VTOL Warship — 1200 points — Be the gunner of a powerful VTOL Warship. Canine Unit — 1275 points — Attack dogs that hunt down the enemy. Swarm — 1400 points — Call in a swarm of lethal Hunter Killer drones that search and destroy enemies. However, assuming I can pick two pistols as my guns, I'm making this class; Five-Seven or M1911 -- 4 Dual wielding + Extended mags (one of the wild cards) Executioner *-- 2 reflex/laser sight Lightwieght -- 1 Scavenger -- 1 Extreme Conditioning -- 1 Black Hat PDA -- 1 (really ****ing cool sounding) That's all 10 points gone
I just, I don't think I can let myself by yet another yearly Call of Duty title. Though, the way they're shaking so many things up is at least interesting. They're finally doing something different. And zombies is a blast with some casual gaming friends.
Well they are making a competitive 4v4 zombies aswell. Not sure how they plan on doing it, but its gonna happen.
So I've read, and it sounds interesting. The resent squad based Resident Evil game had a 4v4vZombies gametype as well.
MW2 was the best COD that launched, after that it went completly downhill, I absolutely hate the maps on MW3 and BO1 wasn't much better. Yeah, they will need to do some changes, like Carter said, they just recycling. And even worse, Is it just me or is Infinity Ward and Treyarch trying to kill off Snipers? It's almost impossible to use one without quick scoping, which I personally think is a pile of bull. So, Im not buying BO2 in fear that the MM is even more crappy.
i thought MW2 was the worst. MW>blops>WaW>MW3>MW2 i'll be buying blops2. i enjoy the games treyarch make, and i enjoy cod in general.
CoD 2 was my favorite and first CoD. I actually think it was my first 360 game, and I played the hell out of it.
the first blops was the sloppiest feeling thing ever to me. id have to put it at the bottom for being such a shallow experience, campaign adding to the terribleness. I think they've all had their flaws after the first MW though. i honestly dont want another CoD game, not without a drastic overhaul of player movement (at the least, i'll take any step forward). it's just not fluid, and feels horribly outdated. I wont even get into looks, since i do agree i shouldn't judge a game for LOOKING like ****, i understand, they just don't have the money to make graphical improvements.... tight gun mechanics and a slick fps can only make my money feel worth it for so long... here's to hoping blops 2 offers more. seriously, i'll take a better interface as more. better matchmaking, anything. ****.
Treyarch makes very enjoyable games. Much more than Infinity Ward has since Cod 4. I'm glad someone else shares my opinion. Or, you know, they are trying to make you use snipers PROPERLY. Sniper are normally one hit kills, and you know why they can do that? Because normally you need to scope to have any chance of hitting someone. This scoping allows others the chance to actually kill you. since you cannot do much while scoped. Besides, quick scoping is stupid.
Agree with that 100% It was a cool fad for a couple of games, but it became all anyone tried to do. Not to mention the monotony of montages. Dear God...
This is not a fan boy flame war thread. If that happens, it will be locked. Now for my opinion, I liked Blops, I just got Blops 2 in the mail. I am very excited!
I've nearly gotten a golden five-seven already. That didn't take long. I guess it should go without saying, but the pick10 system is absolutely the best thing theyve added into call of duty since.. Well since ever. No more am I bogged down by a substandard primary weapon, I'm free! (also, my emblem is a TARDIS.)
I love their development strategy: "Let's start by super limiting them, then we'll remove some limitations for every game until they can do whatever the **** they want".
Apparently this game isn't very popular. I heard a story about a guy who went to the midnight release, but was the only one there. Is this true, or does the game just not have the same style as Halo that demands fetching it the moment you can.
I heard from a couple of guys at work that this game is really good. Some **** about zombie campaign. Is this game worth checking out? I might as well look at some vids.