Just the same CoD with a slightly different setting, once again. The last CoD I bought was MW1, from then on, all they did, was adding bullshit like killstreaks ... I'm tired of the same old shooters over and over again, of people supporting such games, of fanboys telling me which one of their games are 'better'. While outstanding games often get overlooked or seem to disappear ot to be forgotten after 1 month. Have fun with CoD MW4 next year ...
Usually I would agree but this seems to be such a new direction (although "Future Warfare" was almost inevitable). I don't know, I'm just surprised. I'm not a huge fan of Call of Duty and I don't plan on buying this but I'm excited to play and rent this.
Reach or Avatar. The jury's out on whether it was copied and who copied who. This sentiment, although Modern Warfare had Killstreaks and I liked MW2.
They didn't bother me at all in mw1, because they were not as omnipresent as in the other call of dutys.
I personally loved black ops because it was actually something different. the gameplay was a lot more user-friendly imo and the campaign was amazing. plus, zombies. i loved mw2 when it first came out, but it got old. and mw3 just sucked. period. i hope black ops 2 goes more towards the first black ops than mw, but it looks more like mw3 so far. Please no. there better not be another.
How so? [br][/br]Edited by merge: VTOL aircraft have been around for decades. There is probably a 1930's sci-fi comic book somewhere that features an aircraft similar to a pelican or whatever is in Black Ops 2. But Treyarch didn't need inspiration from fiction because they can just use real world examples.
VTOL aircraft *have* been around for decades, but when you include vertical facing ducted fans with coaxial propellers and the body of a helicopter, it comes down to Avatar and Halo: Reach. Edit: You find one example that looks similar and pre-dates either and I'll eat my words.
How long has Blops 2 been announced for? I didn't know about this **** till after I got back from FL..
Can't exactly say i'm looking forward to COD 9. Just knowing that it is number nine is an instant killer for me. Yes its a sucessfull series blahblahblah but I mean, 9? It just screams that it is being milked from every angle. To me, that is the only reason why they slap on "Black Ops" or "Modern Warfare" on it, just so they can take off the embarrasing 7,8,9,10, whatever. It is in my opinion quite embarassing, to know that you are developing for such a milked series. Milked more than halo. Near impossible that it. People say halo is being milked with 4 alone. 9?????? That, and more importantly that trailer seemed so cliche it was near impossible. I was reading the Guardian and they sumarrised the plot of the story. Some serious facepalming happened. Basically, its a few decades in the future, and all warring is done through robot drones. Suddenly China hacks into America and takes control of them, before starting to use them against America. Suddenly the outmoded weapon of the soldier is brought into restore order. And you are a soldier. I died. True story.
I also like how it is taking a bit of everything from other games. (I know i'm being general here, but now COD has nothing original at all, besides zombies, which was a half rip off in itself) - Set in the future - RTS element on occasion - Robots everywhere - You can make cohices that effect the game
Hey, this game has guns, WHAT A RIPOFF! And there's walking? ohmygod are they even trying anymore? I even heard there was dialogue, WTF?
Falcons were very very similar to the aircraft in Avatar. Avatar was first, btw. In the trailer, the aircraft I think we're talking about looks like a V-22 Osprey but with jet-like engines instead of propellers and, IMO, looks very distinct from a falcon.
I'm not sure if this counts but I have been seeing these fly around my city for years now. EDIT: I did not see your post... Sorry...
So...how is a modern setting in a Call of Duty game "pushing the boundaries" exactly? Wasn't the last release the 3rd game in the Modern Warfare series? Jokes aside, I applaud them for trying to mix it up a bit. I've always preferred shooters with a bit more fantasy/creativity in them, so I may give this a go. It's also made by the people who made the only CoD I liked, so that's also a plus. Still looks like its build on the same archaic engine though. It's ugly as sin.
well, i hope bo2 has more of the playability of the first black ops and is geared more towards the fun side of cod, not the competitive style that mw3 is based off of. plus, i personally loved the cold war theme of black ops, and i dont know how much black ops 2 is going to play into the original campaign. just have to wait till they release more info.
Yeah pretty much. COD 2 was best. More balance and less bullshit and fun for everybody. Shotguns were for CQB and Snipers were not supposed to beat those at close range. SMGs were for medium range and couldn't shoot across the map. No killstreaks, no perks. Just a gun, a pistol and a grenade. Perfect.