Was it really? Can you explain briefly? I barely played MW3 (maybe 5 minutes of splitscreen). But I still consider picking it up for cheap to run through single player and play spec ops with friends - I quite enjoyed both modes in MW2. Tell me if it would be worth the money, in your opinion. And then we can both talk about what this means for Black Ops 2, so we don't derail the thread...
The only reason I would get this game is for zombies, and even then I didn't like blops zombies as much as waw's. I find myself only worrying about ranking up in cod multiplayer, realize that's not very fun, and never play it again.
It's not one obvious thing they screwed up, the movement and shooting just feels "loose". The multiplayer isn't as enjoyable as MW2 ever was, and the campaign was so pathetic that I don't even want to consider it canon. And the review scores, eugh. Whoever said that being a ladder-climbing ***** with malleable opinions was a prerequisite for reviewing video-games was being gentle. So what does this mean for Black Ops 2? Treyarch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Well in 16 years Treyarch have made 28 games and not one of them has been good. I see a pattern.
Not entirely sure if I'll be purchasing this game. I was really disappointed with the first Black Ops. I wasn't a fan of the maps, storyline, zombies mode or the currency system that they implemented into the game. Nevertheless, I'll be keeping my eye out for information on this game for the next few months up until it's release. Perhaps something will be revealed that will actually convince me enough to purchase it.
i think mw3's multiplayer is way better then mw2. not as good as cod4, but i dunno how anyone thinks its worse than mw2, its essentially the same except more balanced and with better maps.
Black ops was my favorite COD, So i'll probably get this one too. MW3 sucked MAJOR ass, mainly cause the spawns, and how it would lag your characters if you bumped into a teammate, the knifing system is terribad, and the maps were terrible. Blops seemed to do EVERYTHING better than MW3.
Opinions. I'll probably pick it up. IMO, Black Ops was the worst Call Of Duty gameplay wise, but I had the most fun with it, probably because so many of my friends picked it up and we had a lot of fun. Just because it was the worst doesn't mean it was bad. I love Call Of Duty games, simply because they supply me with quite a lot of... Wait for it... FUN. Yeah, I buy the games because they're fun. Strange, right?
The fact of the matter is that both Treyarch and Infinity Ward are both recycling, not revolutionizing their games. They use the same engine (since MW1), and use the same multiplayer feel (though that is a given) and, really, a similar story (Russian guy takes dead Russian guy's place and threatens to destroy the moon destroying all tide structure on Earth.) I know that what I just said about the story isn't exactly true, but it follows that sort of structure. Even though it's a new game, just about everything about it is old. I'm not thinking of buying it, at least until it falls below $40.
I think it's going to be ****; but I'm probably going to end up buying it anyway because one friend will get it, and he'll insist that it's the best game in the world, and then I'll get it, and it will be good for a week until I get sick of the **** spawns. That's how every CoD game since WaW has been for me, and if they're not going to change much, my opinion won't change either.
I will be following this game very closely. I skipped on MW3, only renting it and playing through campaign, but that trailer has me interested. Not just interested, optimistic. I'm going to guess the combat will be the same, moving from corridor to corridor shooting enemies, but if I'm doing that with a futuristic laser gun or whatever, it might just be worth it. Also, I'm very impressed that Treyarch was able to pull this off in just two years.
I dabbled in the original call of duty, original modern warfare, and a handful of black ops and couldn't handle it. But this looks a little more interesting. Probably same trashy gameplay, but the art design is fairly cool
you would think couldve gotten a better voice actor for that trailer instead of some guy doing the christian bale batman voice... but other than that i liked it, im looking forward to seeing more on this one.
my point was that they could have used someone who actually sounded like an old man. hell, heres a crazy thought, they even actually could have used an old man. forgive me for attempting to mix in a bit of humor.