Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DunkinMyCookies, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    I haven't finished Tranzit's easter eggs, such as the Tower of Bable, but a bunch of youtubers are saying that it was kinda left with a ton of loose ends. I'll be kinda upset if they don't do more tranzit, cause I personally liked that style of zombies.
  2. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    The biggest loose-end on Green Run (the actual map name of the current Tranzit game type) is a Nav Card Reader table that you can build which serves no purpose to the main Easter Egg + a Nav Card you can find behind the Bus Depot, which doesn't fit in said Nav Card Reader.

    I go along with the theory that the Nav Card Reader and Nav Card are part of an Easter Egg that will span several maps. For instance, perhaps we will still have the Nav Card in our possession when we play on Die Rise (in BLOPS Zombies you picked up an item on the Call of The Dead map which was then used in Moon's EE). Then, maybe on Die Rise we can do something to the Nav Card that will then make it work back on Green Run.

    It would be like a Side-Easter Egg, which you do a part of on each map - and perhaps you need all maps to complete - along with the typical main Easter Eggs we have, which are contained entirely within each individual map.

    Or, you know, something like that anyway...
    #202 buddhacrane, Jan 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
  3. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    The lead Zombies director (_rez_) tweeted back at a guy asking if there was more after The tower of Babble, with a simple "Yes." I don't agree with everything in that video, It was just the first link that showed the twitter post.
    #203 Cheeze, Jan 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Three more guns to get diamond! I'm so ****ing close! Once I get these last LMGs finished, I have an idea for a video - and I'm definitely not going to pull a forza 4 on this one.
  5. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    With the new update, are people having trouble loading vidoes?
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Okay, I'm a little new to Blops 2 Zombies, but I have to say: 4-player zombies tranzit = big nono. Some of the annoyances:
    -Will straight up error and quit an hour into the game
    -Freaking electric zombie will not die (and of course, none of us have EMP grenades)

    2-player zombies tranzit:
    -It feels like half the time you sit and wait for the bus

    Maybe I'm playing this wrong, but man, that stuff gets annoying. Any tips?
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I've got all teh diamonds!
  8. Mangochestnut

    Mangochestnut Promethean
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    I only like multiplayer because i play gb for it. Other than that, not really anything.
  9. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    I haven't tried zombies, and I did a bit of mp at a friends house.
    In my opinion, BO2 is just Black Ops just wrapped differently. They are very similar (I own BO). Maybe a bit better graphics, but still, the COD franchise needs to lay back a little and not release a game every 2 years.
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Now I really do have all diamonds, with the addition of this into my collection :D
  11. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Is that gun any good?

    Same with the DLC, Any good?
  12. DC

    DC Ancient
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    I was fairly surprised and pleased with the DLC. I feel like the Peacekeeper will get nerfed soon though, easily over powers the other SMG's and wins probably 90% of the gun fights i get into with it (depending on the range of course) other than when its against another Peacekeeper. For an SMG the range is great, fairly low recoil, very controllable gun. Although it runs out of ammo quick, i have to run scavenger.

    The maps are actually a good bit of fun, spawn killing is possible on Grind and Hydro if you're team pushes hard enough, but other than that ive been doing good on all of them. Went atleast 30+to>20 every game, and i'm not very good.

    I don't recommend zombies alone, played 2 games on solo, and only got to round 3 both times. VERY confusing, but shows alot of potential once i know how to navigate the map. New wonder weapon is a nice feel aswell
  13. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    The Peacekeeper, IMO, isn't OP. The MSMC or PDW can beat it at short range battles if they hit their target. Also, the multiplayer maps are fantastic, except for Grind. That map has too many shortcuts and routes.

    Zombies was pretty fun but a little confusing. And the new Denizen type thing is pretty cool too. But I still haven't played Turned. When I try searching for it, it sings me out of Xbox Live.
  14. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Mother. ****er.

    I've completed the game 100%, as far as I'm concerned. I went through shitty game after shitty game to max out the worst of the weapons, and now that I'm finished, literally 2 days after I finish, it's double weapon XP.
    You know what Treyarc? **** you. You don't even give me something to show off my proficiency with your ****, and now come Monday, there will be at least 400 more people who maxed every gun. ****ing. Bullshit.
  15. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Pretty much all of the big DLC packs have all been very worth it. Downhill is a nicely designed map and it lends itself nicely to all kinds of playstyle. Mirage is a lovely little map with some nice aesthetic touches and plenty of places to ambush other players. However, the spawns are something to be changed, with me getting a merciless simply spawn-camping the other team. Needs less predictability. Grind is a uniquely designed map that uses plenty of curves to keep players away from the sides and leave them sometimes exposed leading to some tactical gameplay. Hydro is a map that leaves much to be desired, however. It's design forces players to either the back of the map or underneath the map most of the time and leads to predictable gameplay and very occasionally brings a flooding hazard in and forces players to either die or be pushed up to the top or outsides of the map. The Peacekeeper SMG is a hybrid between the accuracy of the assault rifle and the fire rate of the SMG. While when first introduced this weapon led to a weapon disbalance it was eventually nerfed slightly while others were buffed slightly, leaving us with a nice addition to the admittedely lacking range of SMGs. Die Rise is an abstract painting set amongst the skyscrapers of Shanghai. It gives the first-time player a fun exploration goal and after several plays, gives the player many ways in which to survive in addition to it's wonder weapon, the Sliquifier.

    Magma is a great change from the slightly boring atmosphere of other maps with it's inclusion of lava as a natural hazard. It's very dynamic playstyle leads to a well-paced game. Encore gives a nice outside path with a central stage that rewards the eagle-eyed player while providing plenty of cover. Studio, being the long-awaited remake of Firing Range gives the eye a treat with many different movie backdrops to explore while gunning down your fellow players in a map that deserved a remake in many people's opinions. Vertigo is a map that is sort of the dissapointment of the Uprising pack. It has some nice symmetry going for it but the game does not play well and players find themselves pressured when defending things such as care packages even off of the spawn. Alcatraz brings a three course meal to the zombies table giving a well-recieved replacement for Quick Revive, the first fun wonder weapon since Moon's Zap Guns known as the Blundergat, and a great big map to explore and enjoy. It's implements make it feel like a Black Ops zombies map while introducing a lot of new concepts. Nuketown 2025 is just about the same as the original, with the new weapon set making this a complete dissapointment. The spawns are either too predictable or too close to an enemy. Nuketown Zombies, a post-nuclear blast zone set in the aftermath of the original Nuketown, players must survive in the remnants of the golden oldie. It provides a base-under-seige feel as we soon come to discover that Doctor Maxis with the assistance of Group 935 will soon initiate the ultimate emergency protocol and attempt to destroy the planet using three tactical nuclear warheads. In the end, we are greeted by the sight of one of these warheads shattering the map for a second time. As for the personalisation DLC, they definitely did not skimp on that front. There is something for everyone. Whether you are male or female, zombies fan or pimpin'. The one thing that dissapointed me though is the lack of actual weapon camo's. I would love to have maybe some arctic camo or stealth camo.

    Overall, the DLC for Black Ops II is worth it. Nuketown 2025 may be a bit rubbish but hey, it's free.

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