No, that's not what he's saying. He's saying not to trust it, because they could be rumors or just fake information.
I CBF reading all the pages right now, cause I gotta go, but CoD:WaW is just using CoD4's engine. All WaW is, is just a re-skin. A mod, you could call it. Which is why when WaW comes out, I'm going to get COD4 cause it'll probably be cheap.
Wow lmfao, I love how people get so upset over little things like me posting a picture and comment below it as a joke... But the fact is, IIRC 99% of the internet is crap... and that other 1%?... meh...
I don't think that COD WaW is separates itself from COD 4 enough. The zombie mode is not original, just look at Halo 3 or GoW 2 Horde mode. And from what I've read and heard, this game has the same engine and multiplayer as COD 4. I see no reason to buy a "new" game for different perks and guns. (I have COD 4, and I don't play it that often now.)
Theres more changes to WaW than just the guns and perks. First off why does it matter if it runs on the same engine? What if they didn't announce that, would your opinion change? First off Halo 3 zombies is totally different from his, but Gears horde is similar. But you really think Gears had the first idea. There have been many games with this 'horde' play (I'm to lazy to name them, or remember them). WaW well have an entirely new story line. They really brought out the WWII effect in my opinion. Theres scenes of torture and the brutality marines faced. How with less advanced technology their tactics were significantly vicious. Theres that new feature called "Cards". Which is like Halo 3 skulls but in more abundance and have much different effects. I'm pretty sure these cards will allow more Campaign experience and hidden scenes. Co-op will also enable stuff specifically made for it. Its no longer the main guy and those invisible people. This game implemented co-op in the best way I've seen any game do yet. And you might think this silly but with the new weapons/maps/perks/etc. It will greatly change game play compared to CoD4, so really the only thing you'll notice the same is +10 for kills. That is all.