STG-44 STG-44 (Rifle) Aperture Sight Tokarev Frag Smoke Satchel Charge Stopping Power Steady Aim Lead Foot Shotgun Double Barrel Shotgun (Shotgun) N/A Tokarev Sticky Smoke Satchel Charge Slight of Hand Extreme Condition Lead Foot
Now i have ptrs--- great snipe so its ptrs magnum sticky flare maybe satchel or bandolier i forget stopping power deep impact coaxial
M1A1 Carbine Aperture Sight PTRS-41 Frag Smoke Satchel Charge Stopping Power Steady Aim Lead Foot Shotgun Double Barrel Shotgun (Shotgun) Tokarev Sticky Smoke Satchel Charge Slight of Hand Extreme Condition I forget another one.
SUPER CLASS PTRS--41 PPSh--41 (Drum Magazine) Frag Smoke Bouncing Betty's Overkill Extreme Conditioning Coaxial Machine Gun (Even though I never us tanks cuz they are for nubs) I love my class cuz I get my 2 favorite guns, Powerful Sniper and Quick Firerate SMG, bouncing betty's aid me in a variety ways in protection and knowing where people are, but ya thats mah classssssss
My favorite two classes are probably: STG + Sound Suppressor Colt 45 Frag Smoke Bandolier Camoflauge Extreme Conditioning and Double-Barreled Shotgun Colt 45 Frag Signal Flare 3x Signal Flares Sleight of Hand Extreme Conditioning Both I just run all over the map shooting everybody. It's especially satisfying to get a kill streak with the shotgun.
Right now I'm level 35 and these classes work very well for me: ASSAULT Thompson (SMG) Drum Mag Tokarev TT33 Sticky nade, Smoke nade Betties Stopping Power *I forget what this perk was* Greased bearings This is my standard SMG class. It almost never lets me down and works very well on fast paced, close quarters multiplayer matches. It is only useful on smaller maps though. MARKSMAN Mosin Nagant Scope as soon as I get Marksman I Tokarev TT33 Sticky nade, Tanburn gas Betties Stopping Power Deep Impact Ordinance Training This is the sniper kit I use whenever I am focused on sniping the enemy. I normally find a building, Betty the stairs, then snipe until I run out of ammo (or the enemy gangs up on me!) The kit is useless at close range, so I really have to watch my back. RIFLEMAN Gweher 43 Silencer Tokarev TT33 Sticky nade, Tanburn gas Bazooka(I'm not a noob, I only use it on tanks) Stopping Power *I forget again* *Once again, I forgot* SUPPORT DP-28 Bipod Tokarev TT33 Sticky nade, Smoke nades Bazooka(once again, I'm not a noob) Stopping Power Deep Impact Ordinance Training Behold my support Kit. It works very well and was originally made for heavy battles. STEALTH(my personal favorite) MP40 Silencer Tokarev TT33 Molotov, Signal flares Satchel charges Camouflage Steady aim This is my favorite custom class that I have made. The fact that I am invisible to radar makes it perfect for Search and Destroy. My tactic is to use a signal flare to distract enemies, then sneak up and kill them. Then I can plant the bomb and get out of there. The satchel charges can also be used so that if an enemy tries to disarm the bomb, I can blow them away. It almost never fails me in SnD.
Gewher 43 is a rifle made for range, it is useless with a silencer. It is great with an aperture or telescopic sight. Otherwise switch to the SV40(the Russian one).
STG(Rifle) Aperture Sight/nothing anything Frag, Flare Bandolier Double Tap Steady Aim anything This is the best class I have ever used. It is perfect for medium/medium-long range. And the steady aim makes it perfect for short range. Double tap gives it that extra firepower it needs. Trust me- try it and be amazed.
Lots of people here haven't actually played it if you ask me. Anyways: Rusher: Thompson TT-33 Frag Gas X2 Frag Stopping Power Extreme Conditioning This one is a dog machine.