Here is just something I'd find interesting. Post your favorite combinations of weapons, attachments, and perks. Of course, that's a Call of Duty: World at War Class. Please use the given layout below. Feel free to give a brief description of your class, including side-notes. To simplify things even more, please italicize side-notes. Template: Name Weapon(Type) Attachment Sidearm Primary nade, special nade Perk 1 Perk 2 Perk 3 Vehicle Perk EX: Medic DP-28(Machine Gun) any LMG will do Bipod Nambu Sticky, Smoke smokes to go into open areas to revive people or just cross Bomb Squad so you dont walk right into a bouncing betty Juggernaut to stay alive long enough to revive someone Second Chance to revive teamates in last stand Leadfoot I love this class mostly because when I play, I actually feel like a medic. It's just great running around just trying to revive people.
All-Around Thompson SMG Silencer (suppressor or whatever the **** you call it) M1911 (silenced of course!) Frag, Smoke Bomb Squad Camouflage (Invisible to enemy radar) Steady Aim (increased hip-fire accuracy, so if I'm sprinting and I see an enemy I can quickly shoot to kill) Sniper Springfield Scope Silenced M1911 Frag, Smoke Bomb Squad Camouflage Deep Impact CTF Thompson Black-Dot (whatever the **** its called) Silenced M1911 Sticky, Smoke Bomb Squad Camouflage Extreme Conditioning
Skirmisher FG-42(Best gun in the game) Telescopic sight Tokarev Frag Bandolier(FG-42 lacks in ammo) Stopping power Steady aim EDIT: Always use a bipod if possible.
I'm pretty sure the phrase is .357 CQB: Thompson (round drum) trench gun (bayonet) frag, smoke flamethrower overkill second chance (cuz martyrdom stoops too low) watercooler Mid Range: kar98k (aperture scope) silenced m1911 frag, molotov (FTW!) betty, of the bouncing variety stopping power (secures a 1-hit kill with kar) steady aim (really needed with any rifle) ordinance training Snipzor: PTRS--41 (sniper scope) TT-33, suppressor sticky, frag special nades x3 juggernaut iron lungs coaxal MG Support: DP-28 (bipod) P-38 (suppressed) sticky, smoke bazooka fireworks steady aim greased bearings
I'm pretty sure the term is Telescopic Hardcore S and D Off. 1 PPSh 41 (SMG) Round Drum Clip .357 Magnum Frag, Smoke Bandoleer Slight of Hand Extreme Conditioning Leadfoot Hardcore S and D Def. Gewehr (Rifle) Aperture Sight .357 Magnum Frag, smoke Bouncing Betties x2 Slight of Hand Extreme Conditioning Hardcore S and D Off. 2 MP40 (SMG) Suppressor .357 Magnum Frag, Smoke Bomb Squad Slight of Hand Extreme Conditioning If I play normal I just switch Stopping Power for Slight of Hand and Perk 1 for Bandoleer.
I use a couple different ones. c MP40 - SMG Dual Magazines Tokarev Sticky, Signal Flare Satchel Charge Stopping Power Second Chance Greased Barrings (or how ever the **** you spell it) e Double Barrel Shotgun Sawed off Tokarev Sticky, signal Bomb Squad Juggernaut Second Chance I don't remember. (I named all 5 classes a, b, c, d, and e, btw)
Assassin Type 100 (SMG) Silencer w/e Frag Flare Bandolier Camouflage Steady Aim w/e This works really well on maps meant for more of a close quarter. It's very easy to sneak up on enemies and either stab them or just light 'em up. Bandolier is so you don't run out of ammo. One round, I got a quick 7 kills and was out of ammo. So bandolier is definitely necessary.
I have another one. I'm not sure what I would name this one Crazy Japanese Soldier(?) Arisaka(Bolt-Action) Bayonet f'ing awesome any silenced pistol sticky, flare satchel charges my personal tank busters. also good for setting up traps stopping power steady aim for those quick shots lead foot quick getaway This is my favorite class and works for just about any map. try it out and see for yourself.
UnDeteced any smg you want silencer any gun you want frag, flash bomb squad camo dead silence cool down
Lol, why does everybodybody call it 5? There is a number 5 on the boxcover. But anyway, cool set up. Me, I like the stealthy spy setup, so to speak. I usually would have the stg assault weapon with a silencer attached. Stun greandes, the colt, camoflauge, dead silence, and extra bandoliers.
Did you read the thread? or just the title. And also, please speak(or i guess type) good english cause that just makes everything easier. Also, it seems like you asked a question then just answered it yourself. You may want to work on making what you're trying to say more clear. Thanks. By the way- none of this was meant to be insulting, although it seems like the opposite, so please take this as more of a tip than criticism. -Neal
These are the two main classes I use because I am big on gamebattles ladders. GB 1 (GameBattles kill streak) M1A1 Carbine Aperture Sight .357 Magnum Frag & Tabun Gas Bomb Squad Camouflage Dead Silence Ordinance Training GB 2 (GameBattles without kill streak) M1A1 Carbine Aperture Sight PTRS-41 Frag & Tabun Gas Bomb Squad OverKill Dead Silence Ordinance Training
My classes have changed. So sue me. The two I use are: d STG-44 Telescopic Sight for seeing those far away bastards Tokarev Sticky Anti-Tank Flare Satchel Charge Also Anti-Tank Double Tap Kills 'em faster Second Chance Me and my buds work as a team Coaxial Machine Gun e Kar best bolt-action besides PTRS Sniper Scope Tokarev Molotov Smoke Can't see my get away Bouncing Betty Protection Stopping Power DIE DIE DIE! Second Chance Come up here and finish me off. I dare ya! Coaxial Machine Gun
Main: Name: Ninja Weapon(Type): The japanese LMG, I forgot what it's called... Attachment: Bipod rite now, but soon i'll have a bayonette for it. Sidearm: Nambu Primary nade: Frag Special nade: Tabun gas Perk 1: Special grenades x3 Perk 2: Gas mask Perk 3: Secound chance Vehicle Perk: Ordinace training. I use this class when playing in the asian theater. The reason I call it a ninja class is because I usually weight behind cover for an enemy to run past and i'll stab him in the back. I also like to through a Tabun into a room and charge in and knife everybody. The LMG is for when I'm going from point A to point B. ________________________ Name: Anti-tank Weapon(Type):MP40 Attachment: Silencer Sidearm: Walther PPK Primary nade: Stickey Special nade: Smoke Perk 1: Bazooka Perk 2: Explosive damage Perk 3: Steady aim Vehicle Perk: Oridinence training. I use this class in the european theater to deal with the massive amounts of tanks in those levels. Obviously, two bazooka hits and a well placed sticky does the job. Secoundary: Name: Sniper Weapon(Type): Springfield Attachment: Sniper scope Sidearm: Colt .45 Primary nade: Frag Special nade: Smoke Perk 1: Satchel charges Perk 2: Camoflauge Perk 3: Secound chance Vehicle Perk: Ordinance training. I don't use this class much, but i'm decent at it.
Main Classes: Sniper Kar98k Sniper Scope Nambu Frag, Smoke Bouncing Betty x 2 Camouflage Deep Impact Lead foot Assault Type 100 None Walther P38 Molotov Cocktail, Tabun Gas M9A1 Bazooka x 2 Gas Mask Second Chance Lead foot Secondary Classes: Mid Range Gewehr 43 Tokarev TT-33 Frag, Signal Flare Satchel Charge x 2 Camouflage Second Chance Ordnance Training Support/Demo DP-28 None Colt M1911 Sticky, Smoke M9A1 Bazooka x 2 Flak Jacket Second Chance Coaxial Machine Gun