hello and i am here today to show you guys something SinlessLedgend, X2Sora, and I have been thinking about and thought it would be good to see what the community thinks and thats why im here to show you guys these maps by us and the first one i will present to you today is Sapphire. sinless you gave me no descriptipon except for and I quote "And last but not least my controller: I'm proud of it (teardrop)" but that's enough of me talking il let the pictures describe how trully cool this map is: well thank you to sinless for the map pics but sadly i did not get any pics from sora so im gonna have to move on to me but i was informed by Sinless that we might see a new map emerging in the maps release from them in a co-forge between those two. so watch out for that but now im gonna have to post my maps pics of a map i havent forged on in a while its name being... Courtyard v2 im sure most of you havent seen this before but i think that there is better gameplay on this than any other map ive tested so far... and that is were the sheild door lift is at... and that ends it for Courtyard v2 onto different maps... Azul another water based map made by me blue CTF spawn red CTF spawn inside blue base inside of dat red base blue assault spawn with artifact glass red assault spawn with artifact glass overveiw of the map and that is azul so i will lead us into the next map called... Xexon top mid bottom mid with ghost inside top mid with sniper our last map of the day the map some people call the stop octagon and the one day map... special thanks goes out to sinlessledgend for helping me with " warnings in the middle! hopefully ill have mor pics tommarow but i think this is quite a rap up huh? thanks! maps Sapphire: SinlessLedgend Courtyard v2: neverendighalo Azul: neverendinghalo Xexon: neverendinghalo Ember:neverendinghalo secret map: X2Sora & SinlessLedgend thanks for looking!
Woah, woah there. Asking him to change his map pack name to something else would be extremely selfish of you. That's not what you want people to think of you, is it? Anyways, you have some nice looking maps here. I especially like the looks of the map in the first pic. If you have the time, could you post more pics?
Well actually I was the one who came up with the idea of a map pack, as for the pics, that's all I have for now, and the secret map will be kept a secret until it's ready.
Sure thing but that is not my map that is pretty beast tho it is Sapphire made by sunless ledgnd it's pretty good and what more kinds of pics would you want?
Oh I see, you guys are all doing the map pack together. I see. Ok, so I would really like to see more pics of Sapphire, if possible. Also, Courtyard. Just an overview or something. Nothing big- Suprise me. EDIT: GET RIF OF THE ACTIVE CAMO AND THE ACTIVE CAMO LOADOUT ON THE GRAV LIFT IN SAPPHIRE. *Turns caps off*. It's un-necessary.
I actually have this in my recents so I can get some pics if you want and courtyard v2 so expect those tammarow with also another map! But what do you think of this idea of a bunch of maps made by 3 people put into one giant map pack?
If you want feedback, I need sketches of the layouts. As for the first map: Reminds me too much of Aqueduct aesthetically. I would strongly suggest you experiment with a different pallet that gives the map a unique look.
why do i have to repeat this... that is not my map that is sinlessledgned's map named sapphire and is it a nessity to have sketchs of layouts?
I'm going to need you to c a l m d o w n. I never said that you made Sapphire. As of now it seems like you just want people to tell you how much they like it, rather than giving you suggestions on how to improve it. How can I help you improve the map when I only see 50% of it or less? In the future, if you want feedback, make a quick sketch of it on paper or sketchup so I can tell how the map would function.
Thank you for those kind words. But dont talk to me about this. Don't take anything I've said as mean