Caged IN V2 Caged in is a small map buitl in foundry(duh) it is shapped like a cross (like dat -> +) it spawns players across from each other and beside a teleporter. there are 8 spawns in total (4 per level).Caged in V2 is very similar to the first one except for two things. firstly, it has a second floor added on which allows four more players to join in. secondly, due to alot of complaints/suggstions i added a roof in so you cant get knocked out. Caged in V2 is meant for 2-8 players. the player traits are: Random weaps, 2000% health, normal sheilds (no recharge) no grenades, unlimited ammo and regular speed and jump. Pictures! First floor Second floor Outside And..........SKITTLES!!!!!!!!!!! Link to download : Halo 3 File Details Link for : Halo 3 File Details
You need more pictures, I have no idea what your map contains or its layout. Also, try not to blind people with your images. I nearly had a fit when I saw your 3rd pic.
I have no idea what this is? Try putting a longer description for the majority of players who haven't played this map.