So I was wondering if it would be possible to make a working cable car. I thought that on Rats Nest maybe you you could set something up like the Rocket ship, except have grav-lifts pointing sideways to move a open container. like have a open container upside down with two barriers inside, and have grav-lifts to push them. Any thoughts?
An interesting idea. There might be an issue with the options available to you on how far you can make it run. In my experience with making machines in forge you essentially will have to do a lot of trials but it should essentially work. Gameplay wise though it might be hard to do as people could just ride the mancannons instead or get splattered a lot (potentially good but not if its excessive). How will people be able to get into the car without getting splattered though? Also, I haven't checked but does the rocket glitch work in Rat's Nest? If so then this will be a lot easier.
to get in i thought that you could have grav-lifts pointing in opposite directions and destroy one to start going, or use deployable grav-lifts, but that my get messy.
That would work but would be odd during gameplay. Also, how useful is the rocket car going to be in your map? Is it going to be mostly just an armored trasport that while you can't shoot out of it easily, it will get you there safely. Or is it something you would ride around for a while as a small mobile "base" of sorts. I do not think you will easily be able to hold the grav lifts to the side though, it might be possible but hard to accomplish. Why? Because, and this is one of my personal problems that I have to try and overcome when I create my mechanical creations in forge, you cannot use immobile objects. I am assuming you would use a weapon holder to support the grav lift, but then you wouldn't be able to move... You may be able to support a grav lift some other way though. By the way, the rocket glitch was a glitch on Last Resort. Essentially in an open crate you would place first a grav lift and then a deployable cover into the grav lift. This would cause the box and everything in it to rise to the map's ceiling and float there as long as the equipment lasts. He is trying to use it except to make it go to the side instead.
i thought that i would wedge it in with the barriers. also i will try it later today and update as to if it works of not then
Sounds good! Just be ready for a lot of trial and error getting it in place and working right. I suggest you prop up everything with immobile objects while you are working on it. Hope to see some interesting developments soon!
just tried i V1 and it didn't work so well, i had trouble keeping the grav-lifts up, soon I'll try a v2 with man-canons on the track.
I tried this with floating teleporter nodes, dumbsters, and grav lifts on foundry. Problems I've found: -Not enough teleporters. (You need at least 3 every very small distance) -It get's stuck VERY often -Grav lifts are the only thing that works -Man cannons launch you and move the dumpster too fast -There's no way to safely stop you -You can't trigger the start of the car (It starts by it's own) -Once it stops, it won't respawn for a while. -The whole thing has to be perfectly level. -The grav lifts can't always make it start moving. -There aren't many uses for such a buggy car.
I suppose it would have a similar point as a mancannon. You can be killed on your way their but it is much harder to camp the destination points. Also, it could be turned into and interesting mini-game or similar map.