Cabin Fever Created by Frogsmoker Earlier this week Bungie forum user and Xbox Live gamer, Frogsmoker released a map inspired by the N64 South Park level, Cabin Fever. After the initial level based off Cabin Fever was created Frogsmoker fancied the place up a little in order to add depth and additional detail to the level. The map was well prepared and was successfully setup to be compatible with all gametypes. From the play testing that the Forge Hub staff has done we can safely say that the map works well with most gametypes, and is fun on both team and free for all variants. The Cabin Cabin Far Side Behind Cabin Behind Far Side Download Cabin Fever
Ahhh.... the South Park game. I remember the cow launcher. What if they added that into the game? Man that would be nuts!
Looks really well made, however I do not know anything about its south park background I will have to play it. -Donuts
They have a South park Game? On The N64?!?! (You can't tell, but I put N64 in all caps, or would have if it wasn't a capped letter + numbers) Looks like a classic FPS type of map. I'll check it out, if I can spare the space.
This map looks very good. I really like how the cabin looks. I'm excited to see how this map plays with a group of people. I think it will be a lot of fun.
This is a really well-made map. The thing I like about it most is that you can get oriented pretty fast and make mincemeat out of your friends. I've played it twice and have really enjoyed it. The Needler was my best friend on this map.
Hmm i checked this map out, i disagree with everyone. I mean, its a decent map but i dont see why it got to be featured. I guess its just me.
Yessss! Drown me in the sweet water of your envy! (South Park reference) Yeah... I also thought it was an "ok" map mostly because when I make maps I always think they could be better. There's always something I feel I could change or tweak, but I guess a lot of other people liked it and I do feel I got very lucky to be featured ;D . I try to do my best all the time mostly hate being criticized but I have to accept that I can't please everyone. :'( . Thanks for the comments though..! Except for you Titmar... lol j/k
I have to agree with Titmar on this map. It just seems to be another Foundry map with too many power weapons. I also have to state that it doesn't really feel like the "cabin fever" level in the South Park game. It's been awhile since I've played that game, but the map seems really off .... Opinions and feelings aside, it was an alright FFA map ...
I originally wanted to make an exact replica, but I realised while I was making it that it would've been no good (too empty). I guess I should of said it was inspired rather than being a remake. Too many power weapons? Who doesn't like power weapons? Plus there aren't that many... 2 snipers with only 1 extra clip, 2 close range power weapons and a rocket launcher all with long respawns. There was the spartan laser that I thought was a bit much but I love that weapon and I wanted it in there. (You can just take it out anyway) Just another Foundry map? Yes, I know. It was made in foundry after all. Thx for saying your opinion anyway though lol. I like how you said you thought it was really off. It made me laugh. Clumsy me, I forgot South Park didn't have man cannons.
Im sorry if you took my comment too negatively. I have since played it a couple more times, and I did have fun playing FFA on it. My opinion does not change though.
haha this is asome good job makes me think of south park, good idea to use that coulda put soccerball that would represent a cow haha
Was the person who built this a member of FH? or just a random map that got passed on through Bungie?