Well, people are recommending your map for matchmaking and we can't test it. The decision is yours, hopefully you can release a version soon because time is short on this. You can take a look at our selections here: https://trello.com/b/Vcri0OYQ/4v4-maps
I have a version out now, lighting is done but to me looks just alright and could be better, everything else is 100% done
I'm still unable to download your map. Perhaps you should update the 'download map' link you provided here or set the map to 'public' in your files.
Also when you test it, i have to shower just got back from two days of school then ill work on map thread. if you still cant download it let me know asap
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ill get on the map right now and fix it, could you specify where? --- Double Post Merged, Feb 4, 2017 --- and thanks
You should just put an invisible barrier ceiling on the entire map to ensure no one gets out. I did this on my map 'Antifreeze' and it hasn't been exploited since.
true some people might do some crazy grav hammer butterfly jump and get out, ill put a celling up. Anything else to note?