C15 Rally Created by Cleaverkurd Short Description: This is just a race track with 3 jumps and a cool curve and it needs to be played with the VIP race game variant. Map Variant: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game Variant: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing First big jump. The second one. End of turn. Third Jump. Pick a hole. Finish line. Sorry guys thats the best i can do, I put a link to my file share so u could see them better Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
I am glad there are pictures but they need to be bigger. I am pretty sure you accidentally made the image size smaller when you uploaded your pics so just fix that and you will be fine.
Read 'screenshots' link on my signature to find out how to upload pictures properly. The rally looks good - can't wait to see it when the pics are bigger Please don't write 'This post is not up to standards' any more - people have already commented and the creater of the post will fix it
Looks good except there's nothing preventing people from turning around at the start and scoring. U should have grav lifts or man cannons there to prevent this. But like I said, other than that it looks good.