Well, all you can do is try. Facebook probably isn't the best route. I would try going to band websites, searching around for a way to contact a member and ask them to talk it over. Otherwise you could go to the label company(usually listed somewhere on the band site). I would probably try the band route first, label companies will probably want money or royalties.
Well everything has already been said. I suppose I'll entertain you with a story. Eh hem. This is the story of The Legend of Zelda: The Movie. It started out as a fan based, non profite project that ended up getting put down due to copyright laws. It was distributed on some website in three parts and ended up getting like, thousands of views before being put down like a dog. I say this to scare you into getting permision from EVERYONE that needs credit where credit is due. On to the idea, the idea of future selves being hurt by past afflictions has been used before and you need to make it your own. Also, don't get too far ahead of yourselves. Script first. Then get lots of proof reads, copyrights, and lots of recommendations. THEN, start filming it.
There is one last plot twist, but I'm saving it for later... And this may be my last post, possibly the last time you will ever see me online, as I have been permanently grounded by my parents for excess language. :'( I'm gonna miss you guys. Farewell.