I'd just like to point out that I am actually a Software Developer, so my own theories are based on a certain level of professional knowledge . I don't see this as a packet loss/desync problem. As Haunted Army points out, information about the map would only be sent up and down the wire when elements of the map actually change in some way. Given that I've done testing where I've loaded a map with a high object count/file size, and had it load fine, but then only kick players out after spawning in x number of objects in phases (and always the same phase), this does not point to packet loss; if it were packet loss, then sending the information down in phases would sometimes work, and wouldn't always fail at the same phase. In regards to my own theory, I have tested it to a level that I am content with is a satisfactory explanation to the problem. My testing has disproved both object count and file sizes as being direct causes of the issue; whereas I have not found anything to disprove my concurrent spawned-in visible object count theory; that's how theories work, so feel free to disprove mine like I have disproved others, but until you do I'm accepting it.