So, find a black/white picture and make a new layer. Set the layer to "overlay". It's also good to get a picture with good focus, otherwise, the colors will not fit the picture and will looke horrible. Here's what ima use.: The picture was too bright to see the colors I was trying to put on, so I darkened it. Now, select a brush, I just use the default. Find a good color for the part you want to color. The color may not look as good as the color in the pallet, because it's on overlay. Here's my start: The color was very hard for this picture, so I had to play around with it for a while. Keep coloring with colors that you like, that fit the picture and you should end up with something like this: NOTE: I did not take enough time on the finished picture, so it is sloppy. Also, you can add more layers if you need colors to go over other colors. Ex, if you color the whole face with the same color and you wanna add lip colors over that, make a new layer, and the colors won't effect eachother.