Well Helloooo all of forgehub! after posting this i saw that this map came right above a map called "School" please understand that this map has nothing to do with that one nor did i know it or its creator existed before i came to post (no offense) Now onto the Map This map is just as simple as it can get. A school bus that you all pobably ride everyday. No fancy gimacs or anything. Just a school bus. This map has 2 game types to the current day; Student Blam game and Student Mayhem for the map (bus v2) Student blam game is what it says; students blaming each other. But what are they blaming each other with? well with the game type being oddball... a ball. BUT NOT JUST ANY BALL. one that explodes. why? well becaue its FUN! Base rules: 3 lives no assasinating (insert sad face here) ball explodes within 3-10 seconds of being in your arms instant ball pick up (you can't get ride of it that easy >:3) you still get points for holding the ball (not really important) ball holder moves slower NOBODY can jump... only walk ball explosion only kills carrier throwing the ball to some one else is key everyone has limited armour lock So any way you get a ball like this one and you pick it up and throw it at your freinds... now our little green guys getting it \/ =D Then you run away... looks like this guys be'n smart (not really, hes just gonna pick it up after he's armour lock runs out...) If you get stuck with the ball, you better pass it to someone else, or do what it says: Then we have student mayhem. in this game players are stuck in there seats and cant move. all you do is throw plasma gernades er, i mean paperwads at each other and use limited armour lock. sounds stupid dosen't it? actualy with the right party its a blast... literaly (heh cheesy pun) You ARE allowed to assasinate in this game so if you respawn right behind your previous killer you can give em' alitle somethin' to remember ya by. And because this game type caused so many explosions that i could not get a decent screenshot of it i have no pictures for it. Oh i almost forgot, for some reason this map does not support elite players. they will just spawn outside the bus with no way of getting in. so if you have any of these alien monstors in your game, ask them to change to a sparten or ask them to leave, no exceptions. If you think this map is stupid and simple, your right. If you think this map isn't fun, your wrong (oh so horably wrong) so download it and give it a try it. plays best with a medium number of players that have microphones. and yes this map has been (unofficaly) tested EDIT: YAY GOT ALL THE PICS ON RIGHT AND INFORMATION IN! ALSO THIS SHOULD PROBABLY BE MOVED TO MINIGAMES BUT IM NOT SURE.
DUde this is an insane game man. I love it! Student Blame game is mah favorite. I love killing people by tossing them the ball and running. they are truly fantastic mini games. Thanks for posting these.
your post is not up to date. according to the rules it is REQUIRED that you have at least one picture (bigger than what you have) or video of your map embedded in your post. if you are having trouble with embedding screenshots, please see this forum. if you do not fix your thread it will be locked within 24 hours.
Thank you but i was already completly aware of this. I just didn't finish read the picture posting guide because i was so tired. Now i have the energy to finish the post and make it more eye appealing. But again thank you. Now how about some comments =)
Besides the fact that this is awesome beyond measure. You should seriously get some pics of the inside cuz I don't think people are convinced. It is fast paced, crazy and fun. It's everything a minigame should be. That is all.
Well the inside definitely flatters the map well. But one suggestion. use something thinner than a 2x2 flat to cover the door. Looks blocky. Use like a 2x1 or a wall or something.