Burj Al Power TyRant Hacker Author: TyRant Hacker Video: None Where to Get? Download Details: The name derives from Arabic, Burj Al meaning 'Tower of' and of course when combined with power the result is ' Tower of Power'. The tower has a unique design with a complex elevator and a mind blowing cone roof. The map will blown your breath away. Please download and feel free to leave me some replies. Enjoi and expect to see more great maps from Forge Masters Download
i look at it and can see some resemblance. but there looks like there will be to much empty space... that can drain a maps efect... otherwise the towers look very cool
Yeah whats up with that blue door... But looks like a good map. I'd like to see a better picture of the inside though.
Reminds me alot of epicenter... How did you make that blue door though? That is really intersting. Like how you took a VERY common name and made it sound awesome.
that looks pretty cool i think but some of us would appreciate it if you added more pics into this thread.
The pictures show a bad representation if you ask me. You didn't need the first one because the third one showed the same thing and more. The second one is looking up in an awkward position, so it is hard to see what the overall inside looks like. The fourth one is just one of those throwout ones that you had to have to show it was blocked off. For the map itself, i don't really see any turret or weapon of destruction at the top of the tower that would make it so powerful, and there is absolutely no cover on the ground. I'd give this map a 2/5 because the towers are well constructed but you seem to have just gave up after that.
I don't understand why people think this looks so much like Epicenter, it doesn't. I mean the shape does a little, but the layout is totally different. Great interlocking, it looks like you put some time and thought into it. I do agree with one thing said above mine and it is that it does look a little bare, put some cover in with maybe another base and surely get more downloads. On the blue door topic, I believe Tyrant did it on accident and liked the look so he kept it. There is no specific way of doing it, it just happens randomly when you place an object a certain way. -CaMOfo
Thanks guys, yeah its your opinion on what you think, have you ever seen a elevator like the one featured in this map... I will agree its not the best map or even my best map. Thanks ZANDER1994, you should focus on building better maps.... just a little fyi.
What are you talking about Tyrant? I explained my opinion thoroughly. If you didn't like my score or comment, that's your own deal. You really did not have good pictures, which is what other people said as well. You also didn't have a lot of cover, which is what other people said as well too. Please refrain from throwing out wild accusations because I ACTUALLY DOWNLOADED IT.
Looks pretty sweet, though it might have been better if you would have tried to create a map around it so you could actually play on it. You know, like incorporate the structure as a centeriece of a symmetrical map or something. Looks neat though, will DL later.