A Statue Of A Bunny Rabbit Made From The Foundry Map . Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Sentence You successfully posted a sentence. To learn how to correctly post a map see here: Mandatory Read Before Posting Your Map.
this is not up to the standereds please have a link to dnld and embeded images. i will post how to do embeding in a second. OK to embed your images go to bungie and go to hi res. screenshots. find the pic you want and click on the image a new browser should pop up... now right click the image in the new browser and svae the picture in a file. now go to an image hosting site like imageshack or photo bucket and hit the browse button. then look for your image in that file you saved it. then select the image and hit ok. now go down to resize. you want to select the option for forums. now gow and hit, "host it!" button. in a few seconds there should be a new page with the img links. copy the web adress for, "forums" and then paste it here. then put img tags like i will show bellow. then your post will have imgs! here is the tags you need. [IMG=PASTE THE ADRESS HERE][/IMG] NO ONE POST AFTER ME UNTILL WE GET THIS FIXED OR I WILL REPORT YOU! UNLESS YOU SEE THIS AFTER YOU POSTED!
wow im sorry but wow okay its a bunny why should i download you could say this is awesome but wow this this is sad
read my post and you will learn. welcome to forge hub! and like i said: i will report if you post below me! but not you owner of the map
okay for let me give you a link to the imageshack good part... HERE: ImageShack® - Image Hosting now there just hit browse and find the pic. then hit host it. after the new page loads scroll down till you find hot link for forums 1. copy everything there and paste it here. good luck and welcome to forge hub once again!
' Just edit this into the main post. It looks alright, but next time put it on Avalanche and give the legs more form.