BunkerBattle Don't Stick Yourself! My first map on ForgeHub Download The Map Here Download The Gametype Here BunkerBattle is a grenade battle map on Isolation. The bases are the two bunkers in the lower level of the map. At the start of the game, the rush towards the windows in the bunker and then throw grenades at the other team in the other bunker. This map is designed to have plenty of grenades for teams of four, any more than that you run a good chance of running out of grenades from time to time. You are not supposed to be able to get out of the bunkers, so if you find any way to get out, please let me know about it so I can fix it, thanks. The inspiration for this map came from my friend Chris Al Sanch, he made the original version of this map, I have just remade it so that it works better. This is best played with 4-8 players, with more than 4 people on each the team the bunkers get really crowded, but that can be a lot of fun too. The gametype is a variation of Slayer where each kill gives your team three points, while a suicide takes away one point. Assists also give you one point, so it is a viable strategy to use your starting Magnum to try and get assists. The first team to rack up 200 points wins. It may sound like this would take a long time, but trust me you can rack up points really fast. The original gametype was also created by Chris Al Sanch so all of the credit for it should go to him. Since you read this whole thing, here are the download links again: Download the map here. This map requires this gametype. Comments and criticism welcome! Ratings and comments on B.net would also be nice!
Seeing as this is the first post, I feel kinda special. This map/game is GREAT. Its fast pace, strategic, yet theres no rule breaking. This is definitely going to be a constant play in my custom games, I loved it.
^Trust me, you're not special, but I'll allow you to keep thinking that you are... j/k lol. I'm really glad you liked it. It is a lot of fun, especially when you get 8 people playing. Thanks for the comment!
Finally a map that doesn't require the map pack. THank you i will use this map for good and hopefully kill all my friends on it.
^You're welcome. I almost built this on Foundry, but I think Isolation looks a whole lot better and this is one of the few good uses for Isolation. Have fun with it!
^Thanks. I'm just wondering, was there anything you didn't like about BunkerBattle? Or is it just not an impressive use of Forge?