Now after seeing that there is no forgeability in the upcoming defiant map pack, I have seen some relations to the way bungie put them out in halo 3. First, the dates that the dlcs have come out are very close. Second, in Noble, bungie gave us tempest which is still forgeable but it lacks space. The dame could be said for foundry in heroic. Then bungie gives us defiant, which can easily be transitioned with legendary because neither of them have any forgeability. Then, bungie gave us mythic along wig the ultimate in halo 3 forge. Does this mean that bungie will follow the same plan with reach, giving us the ultimate forge experience in a third dlc?
It's possible but I wouldn't hold your breath. Ultimately this is a different game, and Bungie is no longer in charge of the DLC either. The trends you've noticed may be coincidental, except for the DLC dates which are probably pretty standardized to maximize how much money they'll make.
I'm just throwing it out ther plus everything reach has to go through bungie because they are still tied to reach. Defiant was mostly made by 343 and further dlcs will be completely 343 w/ a bungie "stamp of approval"
yeah the dates are more controlled by microsoft than anything else. The actual coding and testing of the maps takes place well before the date of release. Bungie was most likely working on Noble either during the refinement process of reach or soon after the game was shipped. Certain affinity probably finished Defiant around the same time noble was being finished.
I just hope they keep cranking releases out every 3 months until Reach reaches (lol) the end of it's lifespan (ie; 3 years). We'll probably get a new forge map (note: not world) at some point in the future, preferably with the frame rate issues and what not fixed and new textures available.
I agree. This is what I'd like to see. However, I don't see why everyone thinks there needs to be some crazy new forge map EVERY time they release a map pack. Can't map packs just be map packs anymore? I'd love to just build up the collection of maps we have so matchmaking has so good variety in it and it isn't half forge world.
Agreed on both counts, people in any sector of the Halo community seem to frequently forget that they're not the only sector of the community and hope, even expect to be recognised at every or nearly every stage. Also, I had this discussion in the shoutbox the other day. The similarity has one serious knock against it: H3 had no forge canvas on release, Reach has Forgeworld. In terms of expecting complete parity (which is a major assumption on it's own) it'd make more sense to look at it like this: release Reach already had Sandbox in the form of FW, and the next release had a Foundry equivalent in Tempest (though tbh I find this a bit of a stretch in itself). On that basis we've already had our lot, and expecting something that surpasses what we have in FW is unlikely at best. It really depends what you mean by 'the ultimate forge canvas'. In terms of covering all bases, I'm inclined to agree with those who say that plenty of people are just never satisfied with the possibilites we're given. If you want a potentially limitless number of settings, landscapes and object aesthetics then it just ain't gonna happen, go play a PC game with full map modding. The best we're gonna get is another aesthetic for a map as big as FW (the latter aspect is something I sincerely hope they avoid tbh, we don't need 'big' again), which people will 'ooh' and 'aah' about for a few weeks then want something new and shiny. Something 343/whoever makes DLC could do of actual benefit to the forging community is what Schnitzel said: account for the technical demands of the community and provide something of substance rather than style. Something with significantly reduced frame rate issues, even if this means that stylistic flair is reduced in terms of object appearance, and no sacrifices made in terms of performance for the sake of background aesthetic. Is this likely? Dunno, but I could see it not happening. I think we can definitely hold out hope for one more forge canvas, but that's definitely the most we'll get and it could well not happen. But I'd guess it'll just be another aesthetic slapped on to the same technical issues all over again, failing to please the hard core forgers and only keeping the casuals happy for another few weeks until they get bored and think up some other setting they want.
Yes i agree I did enjoy my massive list of maps available even though I could only properly forge on two. It is quite annoying playing pinnacle every damn time I go into matchmaking. I just wanted to point out a trend between both games
PacMonster1 agrees with everything pegasi said... (I had a post lined up, but after reading pegasi's post it would be entirely redundant)