Bungies Forgetacular Contest is ON!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Toastman, Oct 14, 2010.

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  1. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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  2. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    You don't think the fact that there are actually people outside the U.S. came up in their planning for the contest? If they didn't do it, there was a bigger reason that they couldn't. So sure they'll notice, they probbly expected it to, but it's not going to change a damned thing.

    Oh yes, I forgot that outside of your oodles of free time you also dabble in international legal affairs. Like I said before, you don't know **** about the legal hoops they may have had to jump through, so no, you don't know what Bungie could and couldn't do. Not every contest abides by the same rules, so saying that "just because one contest does it, every cotest should" is stupid. As I said before, stop armchair-lawyering, because you don't know what you're talking about.

    And I'm aware that showing your disappointment is not immature. But you're not merely showing your disappointment, you won't let the issue just go. Again, like I said, I don't have an issue with people expressing their disappointment, like others have done so. They've said they're unhappy, maybe given a little reason as to specifically why, but then they've left it at that. You won't shut the he'll up about it. And before you say anything about it, I read every single response to make sure I wasn't leaving anyone out. Yourethe only one (in this thread at least) who's making such a big deal about it. I'm beyond feeling sorry for you, at this point.

    And if the eligibility restrictions, of one competition, for a video game no less, are that big of a deal that you think you can rally with others and make a change for the world (SPOILER ALERT: You can't), than you have a hell of a lot of priorities you need to shift around. It's not a big deal, so stop playing such a victim.
    #42 ProtoFury, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  3. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    Why are you all getting upset? - I don't live in the US - but there is NO WAY IN HELL that I won't be submitting a map for this comp, I'll get in somehow, as for the 360s - I've got one
    #43 Scalpel Technique, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  4. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    First off, let me say I'm really glad that Bungie is gonna implent some forge maps into matchmaking. Especially Invasion need some cool new maps and I've seen plenty of good ones come by (way better than Boneyard).

    As for the US restriction, it dissapoints me a bit. I don't care for the prices in one way or the other, but I would really liked to have entered with my Invasion map. It's pretty hard getting people to notice it (even here on Forgehub) so I hoped that I could enter. I'll try to enter anyway though ^_^
  5. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    A huge THANK YOU to those of you outisde the US who are responding to the exclusion in a dignified way. An even bigger thank youtothose still planning on entering, because I love all sorts of craftiness and cunning.

    You're very welcome. It's not that I'm just someone who speaks my mind--I'm just someone who uses the anonymity provided by forum-based discussions for good, rather than say, trolling.
  6. AriiMoose

    AriiMoose Forerunner

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    I feel your pain. I was just getting riled up and doing some in-dept brainstorming on a concept I had then I read this just to see what the competition would be like (very good I assume), but the biggest competition turned out to be my nationality.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah, the thing is, you keep saying that I know nothing about the legalities, but I have a sneaky feeling that you know **** all either. It's like football, I hate the thing, yet I know all the rules. I never play it and practically never have, but I know the rules. Just because I don't have a law degree, it doesn't mean that I don't know that there aren't workarounds, because I know there is, for a FACT! Not because one other competition, because all other competitions seem to get around it. I understand that you think they had a legal adviser, I think that too, what I don't think is, is that they tried their hardest to roll out this competition for everyone.

    Also, Idgas if you don't feel sorry for me ¬.¬ Yes you can rally with others to change the world eg. I have a ****ing dream.. & I'm not playing the victim. Just because someone doesn't have what you have, it doesn't mean that they are a victim.

    Seriously, choose your ****ing words right (& Spell them right) :)

    I love how it has only been Americans so far that have argued with me.

    Yah reported for spam brah, if you want your two pence, at least put more than "YOU HAZ MAH SWORD!!"
  8. Dr Venkman

    Dr Venkman Forerunner

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    Can U submit more than 1 map???

    Does anybody know if you can submit more than 1 map into the contest? This info will help me get back into Forge if we can because I already have a solid BTB map and I want to create a symmetrical map also.
  9. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Great point there tbh.

    ****, someone posted, this was meant to automatically edit into my last post :S (Not intended as spam)

    Added after 2 minutes:

    I can't remember reading that you weren't anywhere in the rules.

    Although the wording in the submission guide seems to suggest so. Email them :)
    #49 B3NW, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  10. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    My god. There's no arguing with your stupid ass. I'm no lawyer myself, but unlike some imbecile like you, I recognize that sometimes, too much legal bullshit stands in the way of getting done what you want to get done. For some reason, you think that you can just work around any legal issue. Reality check: you can't. Sometmes there are compromises that can be made, sometimes there aren't. It's life, get freaking used to it and leave the sensible population alone.

    Also, unlike football, legal rules would take a hell of a lot more time to master. Any one of us could pass a football questionaire, let me know when you pass the bar exam, you annoying asshat. And then, get back to me when you qualify to work in international law.

    I won't hold my breath, that's for sure. And if Bungie changes their contest requirements by two words, I'll eat my shorts.

    As for my spelling, every minute of my time that has been wasted on you has been done so from my iPod touch, because it's not worth waiting for my laptop to turn on. Typing on a small touch screen is a little more hit-or-miss.

    PS: The subject matter of your posts here in this thread, in general, are the definition of playing the victim, and I'm not the first to point that out. Get over your ****ing self dude, no one really cares.
    #50 ProtoFury, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  11. Mallias

    Mallias Forerunner

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    It doesn't clearly state that an entrant is limited to one map, so B3NW's recommendation to email them is a good one.

    That said, the rules do require a significant number of files be posted to your fileshare for each map submitted, for the duration of the contest... That, I suspect, will be the limiting factor.

    Edit: In rereading the Contest Rules, this paragraph poped out at me as a little scary...
    "By participating in the Promotion, Entrant consents to Sponsor’s use of his or her name, photograph and/or likeness, address, voice, and statements made by or attributed to him or her, in perpetuity, in any and all media now known or hereafter developed (including, without limitation, print, broadcast, and Internet), for all business purposes including advertising and promotional activities without additional compensation, notice or approval, unless prohibited by law."
    I'm not sure I would feel comfortable submitting anything with that kind of clause attached to it...
    #51 Mallias, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  12. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I would have a great insult for you but last time I insulted someone with the most minor of words I was infracted, if you don't catch my drift, I've reported you.

    You just said you know nothing of law, yet you still talk like you know what you are talking about, all you have spat out so far is drivel if you have no legal training, just as my theories are too.

    I manage to type well on my touch screen. & Just because others have said I'm acting the victim, it doesn't mean it is true, if they apply what I said to you before, then they would realize too I am not playing a victim, I'm just pissed.
  13. Mallias

    Mallias Forerunner

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    Ok, so like all things, the reason to limit a contest, promotion, or anything advertising related that includes some sort of prize or reward is cost.

    I'm not an expert here, so I'm quoting one:
    "Contest law varies even more between different countries. If you were to open up a contest to people all over the world, you would have to research the law in every single country on earth, to avoid getting yourself in legal trouble. For a typical promotional contest, this is just too much work. The legal fees for the required research would be much more than the payoff of the promotion. Additionally, there are some problematic legal questions inherent in any international contest. For example, if something were to go wrong, -- say, the prize was lost in shipping -- what court would the contest winner go to? It would be a very tough legal question just figuring out who had jurisdiction.

    What it comes down to is that it's just too much work for a company to find out how to cover themselves, legally, in multiple countries and in all states. After all, the typical rules and regulations of a contest running only in the United States take up 20 or so paragraphs. Just think how small a company would have to make the print to cover itself internationally!"
    Now, this does not say it is impossible... really, very little is impossible... But the cost of doing the due diligence on this and writing the language necessary to be binding and protect the entity hosting the contest is lengthy and complex... i.e. expensive...

    I suspect someone at Microsoft or Bungie did a cost-benefit analysis and decided that the cost of opening the contest up internationally outweighed the benefit...

    I recognize that that sucks...

    But like most everything... It's most likely an issue of the bottom line...
  14. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    B3NW, go ahead and report me. I could do the exact same to you for things you've said, but my maturity level is slightly above a pissed-off 14-year-old.

    Anyways, of course I haven't been to law school, but I'm being logical about things, and not acting like a pissy little kid. And, FYI, "not being a lawyer" isn't exactly "knowing nothing of the law," which is what separates the two of us. As for the rest of the conversation, you are playing the victim, you are pissed, and we all know it. Shut the hell up already, you've made your point, you're unhappy with the restirictions. Congratulations, we get it. Now leave it alone, for pete's sake. In the US or out, it's not a big deal. Be a reasonable person and just move on with your life (which, if I'm reading this correctly, doesn't consist of all that much, if this is such a big deal for you).
  15. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I haven't insulted you at all, being quite frank, you've acted like the pissy 14 year old with no maturity.

    I haven't said knowing nothing of the law means you are not a lawyer or vice versa, infact that is what you suggested, not me, jesus ****ing christ.

    Please stop arguing now, before I make you look stupid.


    A person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency.

    Bungies actions were not destructive or injurious. Kthxlrn2usewordscorrectly
  16. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Go ahead and try to "make me look stupid," you moron. You're the one who won't shut up about this, when in the big scheme of things, it's really not a big deal. Take a look through the thread. wonder why nobody is supporting you, even the ones who share your opinion? It's because it's a damned contest, so like I've said before, get over yourself.

    Better yet, go try to tell Bungie how they can work around the soltion, because clearly you're not only more knowledgeable than me, you're more knowledgeable than them and their lawyers as well. Go let them know how they could have done it better instead of theorizing at the rest of us. And when the cotest rules STAY THE SAME, come on back, and let me know. I always love a good laugh, and one at your expense would be lovely.

    However, for logic and continuities sake, I submit one more criticism. If you want to argue the implications of something (the knowing nothing of the law vs. not being a lawyer statement, in which you point outthe difference between the exact wording and the implications), it kinda helps not to turn around and then straight-up ignore the fact that your next point is entirely ignoring the fact that we have been using "playig the victim" in terms, not of its actual definition, but its implications. While the definition of victim may not accurately describe you, the implications of "playing the victim" most certainly do. Past that, I'm done arguing with you. I have better things to do than waste my time on your dumb ass... Like work on the map I'm submitting to the contest. ;P
  17. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Again, reported.

    You keep saying "Get over myself", but that is a term which you use when you're bragging about yourself, I don't know which stupid meaning you have coined for it but it's sure not right.

    & Thanks :D I clearly am more knowledgeable than you! :D

    You seem to be missing my point, I am saying they could have found a workaround and not that they didn't think about it or that they don't have a lawyer. I don't claim I have extensive knowledge of the law but I know there are workarounds, which you claim do not exist, someone posted proof that there is and now you butthurt..

    PS: Good luck with the map, I hope it wont be to the same shoddy standards of your spelling and knowledge of water a word of saying means.

    I'm leaving the arguement now, if you want to continue, PM me, if not I'll report any OT post of yours after this. U HAS BEEN WARNED!
  18. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    So yeah... back on topic...

    I'm almost done with my CTF map, and after releasing it and going through feedback and suggestions, I plan to submit it. I also plan on submitting a map in the symmetrical category.

    What about you guys?
  19. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    You really are acting like a child.

    Bungie did something that doesn't benefit you = Bungie intentionally excluded you.

    People point out there are complicated legal issues involved in working in multiple countries = Bungie should have spent the time to solve those problems so you could have what you want.

    People continue pointing out that this isn't a personal insult to every non-US resident, that you don't know anything about international law, and that no amount of your self-described butthurt is going to change things = "I am taking a stand on the internet for what is right against the tyranny of a Washington, U.S. based game developer with a few hundred employees and a limited budget. I might as well be Gandhi."

    People get so fed up with your BS they start to insult you = run to the mods immediately. Everyone knows the winner of an argument is the one who never changes his opinion and makes the other guy shut up first by any means necessary.

    Quoting from the contest rules:
    "Entrants may submit more than one map entry (including to multiple categories) but each Entrant may win no more than one prize. "
  20. Mallias

    Mallias Forerunner

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    Quoting from the contest rules:

    "Entrants may submit more than one map entry (including to multiple categories) but each Entrant may win no more than one prize. "

    Sweet! How did I miss that... I guess that answers that.

    Thanks Ladnil!
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