Is it just me, or have the quality of updates gone downhill? They haven't had any information or pics on: Space Camp Only a DRAWING of Purple Reign THE SUPER AWESOME MATCHMAKING UPDATE!!!! A Forged Playlist (See above possibly) Bungie has done a great job, but couldn't they give us a bit more to work with? I'm sure they have a bunch of pics of Space Camp and Purple Reign. Hopefully we will get something in the next month. But not just that, but they haven't had any other major updates such as Humpdays. So they must be working their asses off or eating a LOT of Bonbons. In conclusion, Bungie is doing a great job, but isn't being very responsive to us. Thoughts?
Maybe they dont have alot to report. Its called news for a reason. They keep the maps secret so they can build hype. Its what every industry does, show only a little bit at a time.
I just can't wait myself. This week though kind of made me a little dissapointed, no info on AU2, september update, or maps. I'm sure they have their reasons though.
You have to be patient. Bungie as Stin stated has 4 projects going on their just busy. There adding all these features to help keep the community satisfied. I think they should finish the current maps first. Then finish the other projects. Plus they have to keep the memory space the updates and maps are going to use because the Fall Update for the Xbox with the new dashboard is coming soon.
You can actually see a small portion of one of the new maps they've been working on. As was mentioned in the update, go here to see the video.
I am guessing it was at the part where they had Marty O' Donell from Bungie? Because that's really the only newer map I haven't seen that was shown in the video.
Yea it also kind of looked like a little like parts on the top and bottom areas of sandtrap. Maybe that's why it might be called SandBox.