It seems on I went from Heroic Member to just normal member? Anyone know why or how that would happen?
i really don't care. lol. i honestly didn't know they had any type of rank system, I stopped caring months ago...
Its actually not based on posts. From what I've heard, its based on time you've been at and your behavior on their forums. I suppose there is more criteria, but bungie isn't really saying what.
Yeah it's based on time and behavior, personally I don't care what my rank is on, it's a good site but like Roche said people spam to much and bump, advertise and steal other peoples maps.
I noticed I went down too, as so did TrueDarkFusion. Im thinking it is because we "report" peoples replies a lot. I know I have done that because they spam or bump.
yea but it doesnt really matter what rank you have on a forum it just shows that you post alot or have been there long it doesnt necessarily mean anthing
Nevermind I fuond the reason: Achronos explains part-way down the page.
Bungie had a server crash or something and they lost the records thats what i heard on the forums, someone was saying exactly what you said.
yeah i dont know (or care) what it is when i started i was a heroic member, then a few days later i was legendary, and now i am just "Member"
yeah its definately not based on posts i have never posted on the bungie forums and only go on their site tlike twice a week to check my stats and i'm a heroic member
Does it matter anyways? The only reason I even go there is to download maps. The forums are dismal, depressing, and full of idiots saying, "dude your map sux go look at my map here".