I was playing the playlist with conkekid on the first night and we got matched with staff. forgehub staff that is lol, in our second game we got matched with vorpal saint and his group EDIT: I thought of another one. It was one of the very last games of the night on that horrible map that is like a long curved paths with ramps that make hills on it. I was playing solo and I got matched up with these idiots. they were in party chat, and doing absolutely horrible. I think they started getting mad about sucking so they started t-bagging the enemys. I was getting mad at them for being assholes and sucking. so at one point, our team beat a few of them, I had a brute shot, and my allys went right up and started t-bagging one of the enemys. I went over to them and shot the brute shot at them. they were both one-shot and I got our enemy a double kill. in the postgame they went out of party chat and got really really mad. it was hilarious. ill get a film of that later
I played for about 30 mins and was liek OMG this sucks lol. I'm not a fan of recon really at all I just wanted it to sell my profile. but for a little bit i had fun trying to get out of maps and do ghost jumps and what not. haha
I lost over half of the games I played, which was something around 50 because when I was playing alone, everyone on my team would quit right in the beggining. Thanks a bunch. Although I believe that I got paired up against and with a few forgehub members which was kind of cool. I am so ****ing sick of colonnel or whatever it's called. I litteraly played that map like 4 times in a row, played another, and played it another 4 times.