i tried to take some artsy pics from bungie day 09 so i thought i would post a few here for some feedback
The first is epic. For an action shot, it's really good. The rest are kind of iffy for me. Just average angles/effects, but it's matchmaking so there's not much you can do. Again, I'm impressed by the first one. Also, congrats on beating Bungie. Black Theorem told me ... I'm jealous. >=(
1st one's great, the rest are just bland. I like the gloomy feel and pose in the first, but the rest are just pretty average poses and effects. I give you a lot of credit, though for pulling off the 1st one in MM. You haz teh skittles. Good for you on not just finding Bungie, but beating them too.
You lucky Bugger you beat bungie. lol I thought this was gunna be random mm pics of people. How many games did you have to play to get with bungie.