Sweet map dude! I have a question...in the turn that makes me go on the floor and hit the mancannon do you think you could send me a map edited of this where instead of that turn going to the floor can you make it so the turn curves back around and reconnects and makes the track so you dont have to go to the floor? That would just give it a more nascar feel. If you can, thanks.
Without a doubt the best mongoose racing track I've ever seen. Love the set-up and the item placement is done to perfection. Way to go. =P
You mean like this? Were you playing the gametype that I created for it as well? The increased gravity should make it impossible to jump over the teleporters.
This is one of the greatest maps I've raced on. But my friend keeps breaking the rules and killing us.
I didnt really like this map, i mean it was fun, but i hated how every time you do a lap you get flung from the man cannon and usually end up crashing.
I finally got around to playing this over the weekend. It's cool, but I had to drop the laps down to 15. 50 seems like waaaaayy too many and would be boring to me. And I agree with Titmar; I never could hit the mancannons right to land back on the track correctly. It got frustrating real fast. I'll probably go and try and figure out another alternative for when I play this with friends. The turn is bad ass, though.
My gametype defaults to 20 laps, which takes my play group ~8 minutes to finish on average. It was a time that worked out well for us, and I'm sure all groups are different. As far as the mancannons go, it was the only way I knew to achieve the desired effect at the time. I can now use the unlimited budget glitch to use a ramp rather than the mancannons, but I haven't taken the time to do so (mainly because the glitch confuses the crap out of me, and I hate the glitched canvas maps with items strewn everywhere). Also, does anyone have access to the latest EGM? I heard there's something good on page 32...
I'm not sure why I thought it was 50 laps, maybe my eyesight is going as well (getting older sucks). Anyway, apart from minor things it's a great map. As for the budget glitch, it seemed confusing to me too at first and didn't even try it for a while. I figured out how to do it retroactively from a map I made that was already completed, and it wasn't that hard. If you only want to add ramps, just delete some of the more easily placed items until you get up to $40, more or less. Then float over to the ramps you already have on the map and press x twice and change the runtime max to it's highest (it should be sixteen). Save and quit, restart, and you can do the same thing with the items you previously deleted. You'll have to save/quit for every individual item, because when you change the runtime max, it'll zero out your budget no matter how much it is. If this is still confusing and you still want to use the ramps, pm me and I can do the glitch for you and post it on my fileshare.
This truly is a work of Halo 3 art i Hope to one day be able to produce a work such as this that will revolutionize the way people see a certain aspect of the game of Halo keep forging Snimerc
If you're going to post in every featured map thread, you might as well take the time to read the first post in each. The gametype is set to only 20 laps.