Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined This mp looks fun, its always good to see a good race map, the embankments are probably the most interesting part that i can see from the screenshots, cued for download ;D
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined This map is really well designed, which is not common in race maps. The track is a little too simple to keep me from getting bored during twenty laps though. I think this could be a lot more fun with about ten laps to win. You did a great job with making it look good, be competitive and fun, so overall it's a good map.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Mm...the toasty smell of a new Guilder... Alright, listen up bud. Build a second map as good as this. Now. I'll like...I dunno, ban you or something if you don't apply to be a Guilder within a week. If you've already applied then I'll forgive your ancestors and whatnot...but if you haven't.... Simply put, this is an amazing map. Zomg, quality!
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I've been out of town for the holidays, sorry for the slow reply. Basically, my problem with applying to be a guilder is that you restrict it to only one Foundry map. I've forged outside of Foundry and hated it--even took a break from Halo 3 for about a month prior to the release of the DLC because I found all custom games to be gimmicky. Now that Bungie has released Foundry, though, I'm loving the creativity and originality I'm seeing from the community. Sure, forging in Foundry isn't perfect (don't get me started), but it's far better than what is available on other maps. Basically, I have multiple ideas for maps I want to make in Foundry, and zero for anything else. I've never been much of one for rules, but if you all are sticklers for only one Foundry map, then I will probably never even bother applying. I'm not completely ruling out the possibility of a map on another level, but I currently don't have any ideas that I want to work on outside of Foundry. In any event, I am very happy that people are enjoying this map. Hopefully I can address some of the minor issues with an update after the new year.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Yeah, that's kind of like saying, "build two houses, one using any tool you want and one with only a hammer and nails." Sometimes by restricting people, they come up with some innovative things. You'd be surprised what some people can do with just that hammer. And if you never try to function within those limitations, you never realize what you are capable of. That said, I agree with you. The tools are there, let's use them.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined And you heard it from Cottage... If any racetrack were to be Featured... I think this would be it...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I love this map!! Although the bottom level seems...Different then the rest of the map.. Add some stuff, maybe obstacles of some sort, so that if someone gets ahead in the race, then there might be a chance for the other racers..Anyway, I love this map!! [Did I already say that?]
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I hate racetracks... But this one is something else. It is extremely well built. This just may very well be deserving of a feature.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I have to agree me and a friend played this one for quite sometime, however he could not get over the turn... but it was still a lot of fun. -Donuts
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Once you can nail the turn 90% of the time you're good to go, an exceptional racetrack amongst many bad/average ones. The bottom section before the grav lifts was a little off-putting at first, but after racing around a few times I quite like the change of pace. It's very possible to mess that corner up, but it's good because the rest is medium/fast paced. Along with the excellent geometry placement the layout of the track punishes those who drive at full speed on most of the turns, and you have to actually have some mongoose skills. After your update and hopefully it becoming completely watertight, you have a great map. Good job.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined OH HEAR IT COMES!!! ***AZN APPROVED*** And so it be dubbed... I hope people don't mind my blatant way of showing that I like a random map...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Glimflicker when you get the map for the update that you were speaking of be sure to tell me. I smell a feature in the future.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Great map man, I can't stress how frustrating it is when people break honor rules but this map throws it out and it is not to clustered where you don't no where to go.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I love a good race... very well done. and great idea with the teleporters.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I actually noticed a small problem yesterday when I was playing it. I was about to finish a lap and I went right through the checkpoint when it said the zone was moved and I didn't receive a point. Although I'm sure this is a small technical glitch that rarely happens. Just wondering, have you tried formating it for KotH? Maybe try that and if it works you can leave it on free for all to keep chat open to everyone.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I played with a friend a few days ago, and when we experimented with the suicide cage, we didn't spawn as VIP for a while. When I finally did, I didn't get points for two laps... it was weird.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Yeah, unfortunately the way it's set up currently is making the best of a bad situation. I don't think Bungie ever really intended for people to make a racetrack with one checkpoint serving as a Start/Finish line. Ideally you could set the width of the VIP goal area to 0.0 (it IS an option) and have it move on arrival, but zero width goal areas don't trigger scoring when you pass through them. Another side effect of the goal area moving every 15 seconds is that sometimes you will get credit for two laps instead of just one. I've tried every gametype, and unfortunately VIP is the least likely to break. I've never seen this myself, and I've tested it quite a bit. Out of curiosity, were there multiple players on the same team? I'm out of town until next week, so I won't be able to work on the update for a while. I'll keep you posted.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Ya. That and not everybody has Foundry yet, so by forcing FH Guilders to build non-Foundry maps, it helps the community. We get cool stuff for other maps too. Like the new Hobo Heights on Narrows. w00t!
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined This is a very fun map, but it is one of those maps where people need to take the game seriously for it to be a real success. Other than that, this is a wonderfully creative map that works very well. I love this map. Great job!