Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined this map is awesome. My buddies and I have non-stop fun on this map!!! Great job!
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I'm the guy Dave that the OP was talking about that breaks maps. And I couldn't break this one, so you all should go get it. We've had a lot of fun on it already. When 2 people go into the banked turn at the same time and fight each other to stay on line, it's sublime.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Wow, holy crap this looks AMAZING, definitely downloading!
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I'm glad that you all are liking it. Does anyone have any specific feedback on the bottom level turns? I've been trying to put up signs or guides to direct you in those turns, but I haven't liked anything I've come up with yet. Is it intuitive enough as is?
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I'll drop some feedback when I actually get to play it, I Dl'd it yesterday but didn't get a chance to run on it.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined AAwww... I have sad face ... I think I'm about to download a racetrack map... again with the sad face
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Don't be sad because someone actually thought something out and made it work, it'll be ok.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined niice, i like the map variant the best (an improvement on an already good idea)
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I've made a few slight modifications to the map, mainly dealing with the man cannon entry. Without guide walls close to the man cannons on either side, you could still get credit for laps on foot without being teleported to the penalty box. It wasn't worth the time to attempt to do it that way, but I still wanted to make it a pure map if possible. I'll wait to see what you all think about this version before I post the changes (plus I need a larger party to get some action shots on them).
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I have to say this is the best racetrack i have ever played... i just played it and it was very good. i like the fact that no one can cheat. Very well done!
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined whatever lol i down 2 laps and still beat u......... OWNED!!!!!!!!!! Cottage out! lol
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I know you can't add it but what if.... you had a teammate who throughout out the track got off pick up weapons to have a sorta mario-kart feel to it. I dunno but kudos to you for making such a beast race track.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Yes I have to say that after playing it, it is an awesome map. I did notice that you could still cheat by walking around the teleporters, but I see you fixed that. I do have a critique though. The first half of the race is awesome, going up then around the banked turns, but when you get back down to the bottom after the big turn, it just doesn't seem like the track anymore. Its hard to explain, but all you are doing is manuevering around some boxy turns and it just doesn't feel like the rest of the map. Its kinda hard to explain. Overall though, its an awesome map, great job.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Yeah, I understand what you're saying about the bottom level. I mentioned it earlier, but the track was originally designed to be an oval on the second floor only. Unfortunately, the lap times were under 10 seconds, so not every lap you ran was always counted (the fastest that the VIP waypoint can move once every 10 seconds). I spent numerous hours trying to come up with a fix for it, but there are no VIP settings that would allow it to count every lap. I also couldn't find a way to increase the lap times over 10 seconds, so using the bottom level was my only real option. EDIT: There are VIP settings that allow it to be counted every lap (i.e. move on arrival), but all those methods introduced being able to get credit for multiple laps if you drove through it slowly.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Dude this looks sofa king awesome this will be one of my first downloads when I get h3
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I'm glad your map is getting the attention it deserves. It was the first one with banked turns that I saw, and I'm sure that it's a safe bet that this is the best one. And good job on the object placement... and I thought I was a perfectionist.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Its a good map me and my dad played on it last night for a good hour or so. We got some other people in to with rockets turned on indestructible vehicles and had a blast. -Donuts
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I was playing this map with doughnuts for a bit. It's a great map, but I suck horribly at driving.
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Thanks man, glad you like it. I was definitely afraid that the map would get zero visibility due to being a race. I've come to terms with it needing at least a partial remake for a few areas that could definitely be better, so hopefully I can crank something out over the holidays. I have another project I'm hoping to finish up tonight or tomorrow and begin testing, and after that my attention will come back to this.