it's a great racing map but i would put some obstacles near the back area because it's kinda blank but definetly a keeper
You might want to change the name of the map. It says that its not a name that is supposed to be used on the internets. So it changes it to Blam!!!. Probably because of the bungie part.
Awsome race map. I've played a lot of race maps but this is my most favorite. We need more race maps like this one>
Oops... apparently I didn't understand exactly how this map was supposed to work. Do you download a gametype for it or is it territories/etc... I just downloaded it to screw around and yea that one banked turn is a little tough at first. I agree that the bottom is a tiny bit bland, but I was playing by myself, and with one friend. I spawned us with snipers and it quickly turned to spam camping. I have to go look for the gametype now >_<.
my favorite map my friends and me spend hours on hours playing this map. great job we need more race maps like this
This is a great map. I grats you on the curved turn. I've raced with some people and it's a well put together map. But, it sucks alot when you fall from the last turn.
AMAZING! I am immediately going to try to make my own race maps because this is THE coolest non-killing type game on halo i've played!! I wish I could rate higher than a 5