Bumping a map thread with updates?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DavidJCobb, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My map thread was last posted in at the end of October, yet I am now working on version 1.1, and it is indeed almost complete. (Late, I know.) A few camp spots have been eliminated, and additional entrances have been added to some overpowered areas.

    The map was and is part of my attempt at providing a balanced, uncampable Infection experience, and hence it is quite vital that I update the thread with this patch once I release it to my File Share.

    Should I post in my long-dead thread announcing and describing the details of the patch? Or would that violate the no-necro rule(s)?
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Apparently Necro bumping isn't a serious offense anymore and has been discarded as long as the bump is justified... (and you aren't bumping something 3 years old...) However, bumping your map to announce a new version update is a bit of a pain as the new maps that haven't had time to be around and download are getting pushed off the boards quicker.

    Obviously, when you finish your map you can upload it to your fileshare and replace the link in the first post. Put a little banner across the top of your original post saying "NEW VERSION RELEASED" or something along those lines so people who do revist your thread will notice there's a more updated version.

    As for actually bumping your thread to announce this information, that really depends... It is a bit unfair, but unless your post is justified, bumping isn't allowed. So I'd message a mod for a little bit more insight if you don't want to accidently pick up an infraction.

    p.s. test your map more thoroughly next time and you won't need to release a second version ;)
  3. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah. Well, all I did was block off a few camp spots that me and my friends missed -- yeah, I definitely should test more thoroughly -- so I guess an edit is all I'll do.

    Thanks for the insight. :)
  4. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    What Stevo said. I would like to add that the size of the update is also important. Adding a few spawns is not reason to bump the map. However, if you change a large section of the map, or make some other large change, I think a bump is justified.

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