While Playing Halo 2 a few years ago me and my two friends started to become board with just simply shooting each other's brain's out. So While playing on "Coagulation" we took advantage of the four ghosts and made a fun fast paced game called "Bumper Ghosts". With the Release the Ultimate forge map "Foundry" the three of us (me, XxQ ButtonxX & TerribleTank) made this old game a new reality. The Map consists of two main parts, which are --- The Garages and The Arena. The Garages are two areas, blocked off with fence walls and sheild doors, containing ramps leading to the Arena. In the Garages above you will find a total of eight ghosts, four mongooses (Mongeese) & two equipment rooms where you can get grenades, EMPs or Flares. Also on the walkway (left) there is a teleporter leading to the floating platform, shown below, that we nicknamed "The Stands" that is located in the arena. In the equipment room you will find EVERY kind of gernade, flares, and power drains, also in the back corner of each room there is a teleporter leading to the opposite garage. In two of the four corners of the arena you will find mancannons capeable of hurling a five car pile-up across the map. In the other two corners (opposite of eachother) you will find "packages" of propane tanks that are triggered by a falling fusion coil. This will send a volley of flaming little torpedoes in your direction and if you're not careful you might just be thrown into an even bigger explosition. Finally keep a weary eye on the skies above you because large groups of about fifteen fusion coils will fall from from above at different times in two different locations in the arena. The Arena is the area designated for splattering, disabling, hijacking, sticking, and big expositions where killing IS allowed. Also just below the stands you can see a soccerball (shown below) with a custom powerup sticking out slightly. This gives the user increased speed for 20 seconds. This Boost is enough to move at about equal speed with a ghost, almost completely preventing a splatter. Finally there is the Stands, Which is basically a long thin floating platform hovering above "The Splatter Zone". Here Spectators can throw grenades, drop bombs and hurl trip mines at the drivers below. Also each garage leads to the opposite garage and also has tele-porters leading to the stands. I've received complaints here about the manner in which i posted this map and game type and I sincerely apologize for this. To comply with this I have edited my post according to forgehub standards. I have found a useful solution on how to fix the "honor rule" problem thanks to Bloumbas! With this change each player spawns with a Plasma Pistol with 0% Damage and unlimited ammo, but can still turn off other cars with a full charge. Action Shots Close-Ups Downloads Map Variant: Download Game variant: Download
do i get to say it? This map is not up to fogrgehub standards. you need pictures that show quality parts of your map as well. you can go to bungie.net, save picture as, then go to imageshack.us and click on browse, click your pics, and copy the fourth link down on the next page. then paste it here. Oh, and if your map isnt perfectly interlocked, with a fun layout, then you fail. Welcome to forgehub =) And im an askar, because of my friendly post here. Edit- i'm noy sure if this works, but if you put 0% damage on, would that eliminate the shooting of ghosts?
You need to embed your pics. If someone else would please post a link to it, as I am busy and getting some last seconds in on my computer. Plus here at forgehub we don't like honor rules too much.
I'm not gonna say what the dudes above me are saying, I will just edit this post when you have them up. The link to FH's standards are here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/announcements.html
Oh, I remember doing bumper cars in Halo: Combat Evolved, but back than we used Warthogs, now it's not as good because the Warthog is tougher, but thank you for reviving my old time fav.
the honor rule is hard to comply by considering people want to win and also. dont double post just edit ur old one. and other people have given u proper instructions on wut to do a mod locks it in 24 hours if it is not up to standards i heard some guy say: "no pics, no clicks" it applies to this situation
Aside from having no screenshots, a game with that much honor rule is going to be a problem. I'd recommend tweaking your gametype until you can eliminate some or all of that "honor rule".
Thanks for the advice and sorry for horrible posting skills, kinda new to forgehub and im not on much. I'll defiantly try the 0% damage application, might help alot