Just found out my dad was in the hospital last night for a mini-stroke. For those of you that know, my dad suffers from ALS, and incurable debilitating disease. I'd love for your prayers, and I'm sorry to say I'm not sure how often I'll be able to check in now. Y'all are the best. =) P.S. Make sure rusty, Sarge Sarcasm, and Shock see this, for sure.
ALS is a neuron-degenerative disease; essentially, the body quits producing neurons, the neurons that remain slowly die off, and the body wastes away while the mind remains intact. It's basically dying physically without dying mentally until, eventually, the lungs collapse and the patient dies of asphyxiation. Not so pleasant. =/
Im sorry to hear this That description sounds really terrible. Do you know when/if he will be getting out of the hospital? btw, what does ALS stand for?
He'll hopefully be out of the hospital by tomorrow afternoon. ALS stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Which is why I abbreviate it. ^_^ It's also know as Lou Gehrig's disease.
Amyotrophic? trophic=light So does that mean that the the neurons decay/quit producing because of light or the sun?
Hah, no my dad is not a vampire. :haha: Doctors don't really know what causes ALS. It's incurable thus far.
i see, i was just assuming since i knew Trophic meant Light, i bet something has to do with light, anyways im sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better and i hope they find a cure
Wow...it just keeps getting worse...::sigh:: I haven't prayed in a while...I'll make sure to do it tonight though. Hope it works out mate.
i dont pray often, its a bad habit i guess im just too lazy to, but ill make sure i do tonight. best wishes again.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers and concern. It really means a lot. Yay, community and stuff...
Sorry to hear that Lance, I will be sure to keep him in my prayers. I hope he can get better. Good luck to the both of you.