by St. Connor Mcmanus (watch boondock saints) This assymetrical map uses geo merge and interlocking and has (gasp) areas of all moveable/destroyable cover. The map is mainly split in two the covenant attack side and the Unsc defense side, but don't worry the weapons are mixed for the most fun not the type. The attack side is a open stock yard with tow goasts and many short range weapons. the yard is almost totaly destroyable! The defense side has a large platform and the only way into the train/snyper tower. Use the high ground to defend yourself or hide and sneak up on the enemy! This map supports all game types and I suggest assult, slayer, or territories. veiw from tower. this map has lots of weapons but don't be fooled, it covers a large footprint so you need to have lots of weapons, and besides all uber weapons have long spawn times. weapon list: BRx2-30sec shottiex1-90sec swordx1-60sec maulerx2-45sec turretx1-60sec goastx2-90sec arx2-30sec ghamx1-60sec bruteshotx1-30sec plasRx2-30sec plasPx1-30sec smgx2-30sec ccx1-30sec minex1-30sec spike nadesx2-30sec plas nadesx6-30sec sniper riflex1-60sec s.laserx1-90sec don't be intimidated by the weapons they balance out nicely inside train. n-joy! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
The layout and strategy reminds me of High Ground. Nice geomerging and interlocking! It looks very real with the supports. Good idea.
Nice train, but the rest of the map feels lacking. Also, I don't like when the sniper spawns inside a tower with a great position...too much power too fast. Other than that, it's a good map. 7/10
the bullet train looks a little like a train but not much. i like the idea of the map though. looks like it could support a lot of gametypes. mabey even an infection gametype.
the train looks pretty cool but hopefully i will have to go with the way you say the weapons balance out nicely.
i think the map may be lacking a little, and interlocking could use some work. good idea, a high ground type of feel.
thanks thanks for the info I suppose I could have added more had I used unlim money glitch but I don't like to use it, feels like cheating in some way, also the open area in the yard and around the back is to allow for manuvering the goast and destruction AND to put the power close range weapons in a difficult to aquire position. the goal was to assist in game play and to stay true to the $$ limit as I do with all my maps. As always I make maps with game play in mind not how good they look otherwise I wouldn't post in competitive maps. And to the guy on who thinks my map is a nock off of end of the the map before you judge, then see the gameplay differance.