Take our love of "king of the kill" and objects moving very fast, splattering you, and you get bullet hill. The hill is on a raised platform, everyone in the hill is stronger. Why, NTG, why make them stronger? You may ask. Well you see, the hill is no safe place. Not only are you fighting off fellow players, you must simultaneously dodge speeding barrels, soccer balls, and wheels that are flying towards you. PICTURES: This picture shows the final moments of my life... *sigh* The last thing I saw before I died Either way I'm dead [img width=800 height=600]http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/7761/screenshotzs3.jpg[/img] And to think... I used to like soccer... View 1 of the whole map View 2 of the whole map Map Varient
The flying stuff has been done. Adding it in with KotH has not. I'd say leave the map a bit more open (unless the screenshots are leading me wrong), because just the hill and a wall doesn't seem quite big enough to contain more than 3 or 4 people.
Well if it's too open then I may not be able to send objects flying everywhere. The actual playable area is the width of 3 fence crates, so it's not very large.
What I mean is to have the objects flying how they are now: at the hill. Why not leave more open space around the hill (objects won't be flying here), for people to get ready for their hill-conquering charge? If you take my advice, I'd recommend making the gametype include a no-starting-grenades feature.
I agree make sure there are no grenades in the beginning and what ispired adding the wire rolls into the man cannon thing?
Just like my map but not with fusion coils. Good idea though, it's like Barrel Blaster and Hurricane Katrina.
Actually this has been done before, KOTH with flying objects, and it's wider. The map is called sweep.
there is already a map like this but this looks more compact and smaller objects so it is worth a try... good job!
I like the idea of this very much, but the one major problem I notice is the openness past the "item cannon". There aren't any walls keeping anyone from escaping, and from my experience, escaping is the new craze amongst people. Honestly, I don't get it: maps are supposed to be played on, not gotten out of. But, nowadays, you may want to add those. Thanks for listening!
could someone please tell me waht the point of this map is im not saying its bad i just have no idea what it is for