Sandbox Bullet Creek

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by darkprince909, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    Bullet Creek
    A spiritual successor to Battle/Beaver Creek.


    by Darkprince909

    After searching for hours for a decent remake of Battle/Beaver Creek, i was dissappointed to find nothing but vaguely similar shrunk down, badly forged attempts.
    I realized that a proper remake of these maps is impossible, even with a stacked, budget glitched map. But i still wanted a map that played similar to the classics that we know and love, so i started working on Bullet Creek.

    Let me say this now...THIS IS NOT A REMAKE OF BATTLE/BEAVER CREEK!! It is meant to be a "spiritual successor", like Guardian is to Lockout, or Valhalla to Coagulation. It draws many elements from the original, but i added some of my own elements. The teleporters, the sniper towers, and the many boulders are still here. The rocket arch has changed into a wooden bridge, and there was a cave-in behind the base, leaving a small tunnel on one side. The roof of the bases cannot be accessed, but this is reconciled by a window on the side and a higher front door. The layout of the bases have changed slightly, but still has many different entrances like the original. The river has dried up. Rest assured, when youre playing, you get a very nostalgic feeling.

    Name..................# on map....Extra Clips....Respawn Time
    Battle Rifle...........4...............2................20 sec
    Assault Rifle.........2...............2................10 sec
    Carbine...............2...............1................30 sec
    Needler...............2...............1................120 sec
    SMG...................4...............2................20 sec
    Plasma Pistol........2...............-................90 sec
    Magnum..............2...............2................20 sec
    Brute Shot...........2...............0................150 sec
    Shotgun..............1...............1................150 sec
    Sniper Rifle...........2..............1................180 sec
    Rocket Launcher...1...............1................180 sec

    Name.................# on map.....Respawn Time
    Plasma Grenade....6...............10 sec
    Frag Grenade.......4...............10 sec
    Bubble Shield.......1...............180 sec
    Regenerator.........1...............180 sec
    Power Drain.........1...............180 sec
    Overshield...........1...............180 sec

    Now what you have been waiting for...


    Red Base

    Blue Base

    Middle Ground

    Left side of Red Base (same at Blue Base)

    Right side of Red Base (same at Blue Base)

    Behind Red Base (same at Blue Base)

    Red Sniper and Shotgun spawn

    Blue Sniper and Overshield spawn

    Inside Bases (Blue Base pictured)

    Base Layout

    Action Shots


    Thanks to everyone who helped me make and test this map, including AdaptiveFiber, EDokC CoD3, kyle58541, AquaSaberwolf, HWDHOLLY, and milokk2, and the several random people that i invited off of my recent players list that actually accepted the invites.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy the map. And if you like the map, check out my fileshare for some other great maps!
  2. T Cal

    T Cal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty good. i loved the beaver/battle creek so ill DL and check it out
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty cool and its a unique design. Weapon placement is good although some of the barries at the bottom looks a bit randomly placed. My favorite part is is probably the center bridge as it looks like its the main attraction of the map.
  4. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Center bridge is really good, better than the rock in the original BC. Now, the map may be quite limited because you cant jump above the bases, but I'll download it anyway.
  5. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    This looks like an great remake. I would suggest working on the rocket ledge, to make it more 'reminiscent' of Beaver Creek. Maybe you could add more risers if your going for a completely new look. The bases look a little bumpy, specifically where the door is and the plasma grenades spawn. I don't think a wall on the floor and the bottom part of a tube piece are necessarily the same height, so it might be a little bumpy. Just place a wooden bridge under the wall and I think it becomes the same height. Overall, 4.7/5

    Oh, and you said you didn't find a good beaver Creek remake, this Ber Ber Creek (2nd Runner up) was a runner up in a contest a few weeks ago, and its pretty good as well.
  6. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty solide re-imagination of the original, I like the way the bases have been changed yet the idea is still the same. As the cory said, there is actually a fairly decent remake called Ber Ber Creek, if you want to check it out.

    ANTI YOU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like this. i will dl and edit my post later.
    btw: beaver/battle creek can't be remade properly because bungie wont give us trees and/or bushes in forge mode.
  8. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    This may be one of my favorite remakes of this map. I love how the bases are lifted up a block so you could have the tunnels like the original. My favorite spots have to be the sniper spawns and OS spawn.
  9. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    This is probably, no, IS the best Battle/Beaver Creek "remake" I've seen (I know it's not a remake, it's the only word that comes to mind.)! The bases look astounding, & I can tell you have an attentive eye for detail, hence the little pond (awww...). Have you ever seen a "spiritual successor" map of Gemini (High Charity map from Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack)? If not, you'll see one soon, but that's not the point, this one is a keeper! I'll look to you for more Halo 2 "remake" maps!

    Senior Member

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    very nice map i really like that you interlock almost all your objects.
    maybe you could geo-merge some of them like the tunnels.
    but overall well done...
  11. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    a couple hours after i posted this, i went into forge to see how close i got to th oln, & it turns out, i still had a lot to work with! i have a v2 now, with the tops of th bases accessble, and as soon as i have time, ill post it. and btw, surprisingly, i was still able to keep th map 100% unbreakable!!

    MR JOEY BON Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This does remind me of beaver creek, but with a couple things changed. All in all pretty good i just wish you could've made it a bit bigger. But it looks like you used everything up.
  13. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, this looks great, very clean, unlike a lot of beaver creek remakes.
    it seems that you put a lot of time into making it look identical to that of the original. although i think you should have made the map with a flor so you could put in a stream that would run across the center of the map, but other than that it looks great.

    5/5 great job

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