Looking at forge world i was wondering why not make a city, maybe a remake of new Mombassa based maps, I mean in Halo Reach why not make a remake of longshore but add in the big airplane carrier in the background into the fray. Its just an idea
i say well have 4 aircraft carriers, a covenant cruiser, and 120 taco bells. But in reality I want to make a base assualt sort of game. I still cant find any maps which use the assualt gametype
To be honest... well you should do it in the AIR! i think our grand total is: 18 carriers 4 covenant cruisers 327 taco shacks/bells 1 mcdonalds 1 headlong (lol) 1 partridge in a pair tree honestly i think only the last request cant be filled XD
i was thinking about headlong so yeah i might just do that.. with 18 aircraft carriers, 4 covenant cruisers, 327 taco bells, 1 mcdonalds fighting 1 burger king, 1 headlong, a midgit in a speedo, god knows how many skyscrapers and a fully destructiable orbital elevator --- On that note though i will start with a remake just for the experiance
Agreed, I want to make a giant elevator power by man cannons, sortof like the Sniper tower ike the Cops and Robbers map that PRSP posted (I think thats who it is)
Although remakes are good, my dream is us forgers to unite and make one epic city map --- in my defense how were we trolling
I have one in the works now, using five different city maps I have in Halo 3 composed into one. I shall like to see your version as well one day.
Why not make an invasion gametype where the Elites have to steal the powercore inside of a city. Maybe have like defenses outside, and then they have to get in and etc.
They have already said Invasion is only forgable on invasion maps. So the damn doors that appear and disapear in that gametype ONLY happen there. No changing the position I believe. Very sadface. I had so many invasion gametypes planned.
Go right ahead and do it. Nobodies gonna stop you, so long as you do it with: 36 Carriers 4 Covenant Cruisers 500 Taco Bells 2 McDonalds 3 Burger Kings 2 Headlongs 3 Midgets in Speedos 1 Massive tree with a partrige in it 5 Gold Rings And Dairy Queen...a really big Dairy Queen