Littlemonk5 submitted a new map: Bug Zapper - This mini-game is full of bugs. Read more about this map...
Littlemonk5 updated Bug Zapper with a new update entry: Gametype Adjustment Read the rest of this update entry...
Have you played this recently? What do you think of the balancing? In the last two games I played, the Infected couldn't win in any of the rounds even if the Alphas knew what they were supposed to do. And the reason was always the same. There would be around about 4 Wasps left far away and 1 minute left. I think it's a little too tough to win as the Infected team atm. Minigames like these, it should be the survivors that have a hard time winning.
Haven't played it since probably your lobby. The big issue is if I move in the wasps max distance, they become so easy to hit with the aimed down shot. There is no happy medium. It's all or nothing. Honestly, I think I exclusively played this in your lobbies coming to the 3 minute final timer. I also considered using glitched void tear lightrifles for alphas but wasps take up a large part of the fx budget as do light rifles and weapon pads so that risks having wasps not spawn at all. If I could get that to work stably, that would be my best fix as the alpha would then be able to shoot much much faster making the start ramp up quicker and the end be less reliant on synced up shooting. All this being said, I'm not sure there are enough games going over that I want to go back to tweak.
Littlemonk5 updated Bug Zapper with a new update entry: Buggy Weapons Read the rest of this update entry...
Played this a few hours ago, bug zapper 4, wasps 1. Focusing on someone and communicating a bit was key. One of the funnest mini games I've played. Lobby I was in, people really enjoyed it. I normally hate mini games, but this is so simple and fun, really loved it!