So i decided to try to create a very difficult puzzle map, and have every room include at least one idea that hasn't been done before. Because I am doing this, the rooms are usually really complex and thus take a huge chunk out of the budget. So far, I have five rooms completed, but only 160 budget left. My friends couldnt get through it on their own and even after i told them, only one could get through and it took half an hour (they only used the first four rooms, i just made the fifth. This being said, It is very difficult. My question is, would you rather have a very very difficult and original idea puzzle map with 8 - 10 rooms or an easier, not as original puzzle map with around 20 rooms? Thanks for your help if you respond
Try using the unlimited budget glitch. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Thats about all I can say sorry I can't do more :-(
i feel 8-1o really hard would b better but having easier rooms would make me feel more satisfactory but if u use the unlimited bdget glitch we can hav both
The unlimited budget glitch makes me lag. That was the first thing I thought of but i knew it wouldn't work. I'll try with the harder rooms and ill try to get some pics up.