I was making a map with the budget glitch, accidentally deleted the last "Receiver Node" object, and couldn't spawn it. I ended the game, went back in, and I could. But once I spawned one of it or started a new round, I couldn't spawn it. So I kept restarting the game to get as many Receiver Nodes as possible but only got four. How do I fix it so I can spawn them normally again? Is this an irreversible effect of using the budget glitch?
Well, first delete all but one of the reciever nodes. Then, change the run-time maximum of the node to 2, and viola, it's re-budget glitched.
All right, I'll try it out. Thanks a lot for your help! If you want to see the map I'm working on, feel free to message me and I'll either give you a download or show you a quick walkthrough in-game.
I don't know a whole lot about budget glitching, but I'm not sure if that will fix the problem if he has already used up $1500. I don't think the game would allow him to put it to two receiver nodes.