Playing your 360 period makes it more susceptible to RROD But anyway, don't you think Bungie woulda came out and said "Budget glitch is not good don't use it." I mean, they said modders would be banned and banned some, so why not tell us not to use budget glitch if it's that bad? I mean, RROD's cost MS money, MS hates spending useless dollers, MS has ties with Bungie to Halo, Bungie doesn't want halo given a bad name. Seems like plenty of reason to tell us if Budget glitching is causing problems?
- ^That ^ makes no sense. - Bungie cant ban us from using a budget glitch because it doesnt break any rules. Modding an xbox is tampering with it, thats against Microsofts regulations, and thus is against the rules - Budget glitching wont give you a greater risk of RROD, thats a pretty absurd statement. Yes your xbox will process more, but its not 'too many items on forge' thats giving you RROD, its that you dont leave your xbox in a ventilated place, or that you leave it on for too long.
I used to own the Intercooler Fans aswell, but I read on Nyko's site that it causes problems from leeching off of the powersupply, so I'm using this Airflo thingy. It's cool, I can use all of my normal cables, like VGA and composite. Plus, it adds 3 extra USB ports.
Matty, lol I was being massively sarcastic and poking fun at 360's "problems" As for my bungie statement, I didn't mean ban us..but I think if there were any real problems with it, they'd let us know..not keep us in the dark destroying our xboxs while they crackle wildly. Edit: As far as I know, they (intercoolers) also void your warranty. They definitely suck power...and don't really do much in the ways of "cooling" I won't ever sell one to someone, I always tell them not to bother buying one.
so that is what was going was leeching of the power, i knew it was messed up...also...what do you need four usb ports for?
To get 4 people on screen, while your iPod is charging, and other stuff. If you don't have 2 extra wireless controllers.
well, i knew about the four people thing...but didn't really think about the ipod factor, especially since mine broke about a year ago, and i lost a SHITload of music, so i stopped caring about it..
LOL good answer nemi, never thought about that AT all..... rockband is only okay btw, though that is slightly offtopic...
Really? I was under the indication that the program for a game engine is loaded up into the RAM of a computer before it's executed. The disk only holds the game itself, plus the maps. You can't even put anything on the disk after it's been burned; plus, the DLC maps aren't even on the disk, and they are the majority of the maps that are Budget Glitched. Additionally, the map variants save to the Xbox 360's HDD. In my case of game programming, each object does have it's on scripts and actions. However, when's the last time you played on an interlocked map and a box suddenly jumps out of another box? The thing is, once the game saves the map, the objects become static. You can still collide into it, but it no longer moves. The only scripts necessary are for detecting collision with other dynamic objects.
My 360 ALWAYS lags with that glitch on. Interlocking might do that, too. I don't like it because I need to delete items too often.
Well first off let me say that I got the RRoD the next day after i tried to turn it on it flashed red.But the day before I was working on my map for very long ON A BUDGET GLITCHED MAP .I actually think this has to do with it because its obvious bingie put the budget for a reason not to piss us off.But also then why are there idfferent budgets for different maps?I really don't know because I'm not some sort of scientist but I think it has like a 20% reason to do with it.And if I get it again with my new 360 then its certain to be those maps.
OOOOHHHHH!!!!! CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!! It's a cooincidence. It might make the Xbox process the game frame rate slower, but it's not going to make it heat up, unless you've modded the Xbox to overclock it's processors. And even then, it's still going to take a lot of heat to thoroughly RRoD it, and you've got bigger issues to worry about than RRoD if your game is lagging merely from budget glitching.