Mythic II DLC Bubblez!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Ac3Snip3r, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Well, it's about time I posted a map. If you thought my last map precipice absolutely sucked then you are going to love this map. I was going to post this a week later with some more testing. But somebodies map preview with the same idea just today changed that all.

    Inspired by one of my long gone friends Benzu13 who's unique and original forging gave his map great gameplay and a overall great feel, I present Bubblez!

    Bubblez is a symmetrical map with a layout in the water. Whether it is original or not, the map has been made to have great gameplay and not necessarily aesthetics which is what custom games is all about. But if you think this map is sexy, feel free to have some love. This map brings about a new meaning to interactivity and gameplay. Due to the water covering half the map, it can influence gameplay a lot. No richocheting and flames (OH YEAH FLAMES) will be canceled out by the water. And when I say cancel out, I mean no smoke.

    In addition there are propane tanks (that's what they're called, right) in the middle of the map. If you shoot them, they will explode on the enemies side of the map. Not unique enough? Between the middle platform and each base there is a small gap covered by a pallet. Destroying the pallet (especially with the propane tanks) will cause them to break and an unknowing oppenent will fall to their death. I did that, it's hilarious.

    In addition I have incorporated boats into the combat.With the boats also come a propulsion system, a gravity lift, which gives the boats a starting boost. And they thing about it is when used correctly, you will have a decisive advantage over the opposing team. Such as:
    -Boats have access to the only BR's on the map.
    -Boats overlook the rocket launcher pawn point. Whoever controls that area controls the rockets.
    -Can be used to flank opposing team.
    -Some territories require a boat. Unless you want to drown.

    In addition to the map itself, I have added some borders to keep people from falling off too easily. Yet somehow people keep falling off. It would help to forge through the map and get used to it for a minute before you play. Whether you know how to swim or not I recommend it.

    Weapons list (from memory):
    Plasma pistolx2
    Maulerx2 - 60 second respawn, no spare clips
    Rocketsx1 - 120 second respawn, no spare clips
    Sniperx1 - 180 second respawn, 1 spare clip
    overshieldx1 - 180 second respawn
    firebombsx4 - 30 second respawn
    plasmasx2 - 20 second respawn
    fragsx0 - No grenade spamming FTW

    Onto the pics!

    Red base

    Blue base

    Red base area (symmetrical)

    Middle area

    Middle area (boat side)

    Boat and boat propulsion system

    Action pics
    No-scope. Probably my millionth.

    Water explosion

    The Flames are the fire of my soul!-Con

    Plasma>Overshield...but just barely

    Self Explanatory

    I would be happy to answer any questions you have about the map. Until then DL. Some constructive criticism would be nice. I would also like to test it a bit more so feel free to come play. And before anybody says it water polo doesn't count because:
    Every time you stop, crouch, or turn around twice you die and because you are floating and in this you are walking on water. Anyone can swim, but only a God could swim on water till now.

    If I need to add anything to the thread tell me because I think I did everything well. Go easy on me and pretend that Fly didn't release his map today. Pretend some rookie posted there map wrong instead kthx.

    Anyway, DL up top or here Bubblez

    P.S. Since Precipice failed Hub of the Dead maybe this one will win. Oh wait, there is no contest. ****!
    #1 Ac3Snip3r, Nov 23, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2009
  2. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    Hmm this actually looks pretty interesting. What gametyoes do you suggest to play on it?4/5 from pics.
  3. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Small team based games work best, but it supports every gametype. Tried to go for playability and uniqueness instead of aesthetics. Although the map doesn't look half bad. Couldn't get an overview shot, sorry.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah it's released haha looks good man. I'll dl right now an do a forge through then edit my post.

    This is freaking awesome man, the boats holy crap that is so much fun. If you expanded on the idea of this map it'd make it like 100% more fun. All in all with ingenuity and forgeness haha id say 10/10
    #4 CaptnSTFU, Nov 23, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
  5. Farbeef

    Farbeef Forerunner
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    wow looks really well done, I especially like the boat :)
  6. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    It looks good but idk how having the only BRs accessible only by the boats would play out. Maybe replace that BR with another weapon like a needler or something a little more powerful than a Battle rifle
    #6 Imnickjames13, Nov 23, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2009
  7. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    With the water-incorporated geometry, and the use of a boat as a legitimate part of the map, this is one of the most unique publications I've seen in a while.

    Can't wait to give it a run!

    #7 Moxus, Nov 24, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009
  8. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    looks damn well unique to me :) the forging is good and the gameplay looks like it could be interesting, i'll download once i've sorted out my gametag mishap :)
  9. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    I like the responses, not too many replies, but still. It's only halfway down the list so far.

    Nice spam, and I thought you were starting to become normal too.

    Was thinking about it. The BR is a reasonable underestimated weapon and it's the only two BR's on the map. Afraid of getting out of the map if I put brute shots plus it would be like explosion alley with the rockets. I decided against the needler because then there would be 4 on the map. Like I said, I should've tested it a bit more. But I was happy with the few games I had and I wanted to keep it unique (saw a map preview of a map doing the same thing).

    Mainly I just wanted to be the PHURST one with the idea.
  10. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    Dl'ing and will report in morning.

    Edit: or tonight

    Or Tonight.

    Ok. after running through it a couple times, I like the concept, but i Couldn't get the tanks to take out the pallets. I had to use the rocket to do it.

    I like the overall Idea, but It,s to small to get alot out of it, and I know that cant really be helped, but it just seemed not very functional. well done overall though, but for such a small level, WAY to many weapons. This should only be, if anything a 2 on 2 or a 3FFA

    I give it a 7/10.

    only ways to make it better, I'm thinking break the elastic barrier past the rocket launcher and use those floating boxes in the sky to make it larger.
    #10 Aranore, Nov 25, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2009
  11. nixaguy

    nixaguy Forerunner
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    Good map, it was too small for an actually use of the boat to take place, because if you tried, youd just get pwned by some nubs :) but it was pretty good when i played it with you, very nicely forged, and i for one never even noticed there were bases on the map until i went in forge with you :D
  12. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
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    I know im SUPER bumping this post, but I just dl'd it and played it... its smooth and it makes sense if you look at it for a while...

    but playing with 3 friends, its hard to understand exactly whats going on when we first started...

    everythings super cluttered, and the boat doesnt really work unless you're host, and still even then the thing likes to sink alot.

    VERY UNIQQ but functionality > uniquness IMO.

    my and my friends spent a good 5 minutes just overviewing the map before we played.. and once we got it down it was good fun.

    I'd say place the brs on the crates, and the rocket on the wall where the boat goes.

    3.5/5 Stars.
  13. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Hahaha... Nice to make a map after me, but...almost.

    I'm guessing this was from my idea once I got Mythic II? Oh well. It's clean, but it just doesn't have that BOAT TRAVEL like I intended. In this map, there's not as much reason to go on boats because you will be PWNED. But once getting in a boat gives you an ADVANTAGE, then the map is a success. Until then, thanks for stealing my originality. I mean this in the best way possible.

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